Than to wash the fuel oil from clothes at home

Than to wash the fuel oil from clothes at home

Do not be discouraged if the wardrobe on the beloved item happened randomly from fuel oil stain. Do not rush to carry clothes into dry cleaning or throw it away. Try to wash complicated pollution at home. There is no single way, but in the farm will necessarily have means for disrupting fuel oil with your beloved thing.

We wash the fuel oil from clothes - dishwashing liquid

Take the usual dishwashing agent. The best fits "Feiry" or Faberlic. If there is no such thing in the farm - take anyone. We proceed to remove stains:

  • apply a little liquid on the problem area;
  • carefully spend clothes in a problem with liquid and soak in a hot water basin for 30 minutes;
  • take the brush and spend pollution in water;
  • leave in the pelvis for another 10-15 minutes for better absorption tools;
  • take out clothes from the pelvis and rinse in cold water;
  • put your hands or in a washing machine.

If the contaminated place on the clothes has already been filled - extinguish it before removing the creamy oil. It will be easier for you to work with pollution. The dishes are suitable for removing fuel oil from any fabric. Alternative - Car shampoo. The removal method is similar to the above.

We remove the fuel oil from the clothes - combustible substances

This method is suitable for the fight against the solar stains of fuel oil on clothing from a coarse material. For example, on jeans. Find the purified gasoline, kerosene or diesel fuel. Your actions are as follows:

  • put on the hands of rubber gloves;
  • water in the selected medium a piece of gauze or a cotton disk;
  • well, but carefully read the stain;
  • if contamination has not been deleted - leave a thing for an hour to lie down aside;
  • rinse your clothes and push with powder with hands, and then put in the machine.

Working clothes from dense material with a large amount of fifth stains can soak in gasoline all. Leave for 2 hours, then hang the robe to the street or on the balcony, so that the unpleasant smell will deteriorate. It remains to be wrapped with powder.

We remove the fuel oil from the clothes - use the iron

Often helps the usual iron. Note that this method is not suitable for silks and other thin tissues and helps to cope with small pollution. Prepare paper type school blotting (napkins, toilet paper or paper towels) and iron. Place the paper on the problem area on both sides. Heat the iron, and carefully stroke the stain through the paper. Mazut in it will be absorbed. Substitute clean sheets as contamination. After processing the trace from the spot remains. Wipe it with any essential oil and put clothes in the typewriter with the addition of the stain remover.

We wash the fuel oil from the clothes - other methods

There are still methods to combat fuel oil:

  • oil aromatic. Water two cotton disks in the selected oil and substitute one disk under the stain. The second to impose a problematic place. Gently rub it and hang it. For the final disappearance of the fuel oil, the procedure is repeated 3-4 times;
  • economic or ternary soap. Wash the fresh spot with soap. Water in water for 40-50 minutes and the thing is cut;
  • turpentine. Heat a little turbidar. Pour it to the fuel oil. Leave half an hour and then sprinkle the food soda on the spot. Carefully read the brush and post;
  • ammonia. Effective for fresh spots. Watered with a wool or tissue napkin wipe the stain 2-3 times. Fold clothes. To remove residual fuel oil pollution, you can pour a bit of ammonia into a typewriter when washing.

It is advisable to use the selected tool first on a similar fabric, and you will understand it is suitable or not. Gasoline and other similar means use carefully in gloves. If nothing helped, and the thing is expensive and loved - carry it into dry cleaning.

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