How to remove gum from trousers

How to remove gum from trousers

Chewing gum is not only freshens breath, but also leaves stains on clothes. It is easy to stick to the fabric, and it is very difficult to remove. But skillful hostess find ways to quickly remove the gum from his trousers, not to any spot on the left of them. This can be done at home without the aid of cleaning. And this is a significant savings of time and money!

How to remove gum from trousers by means of washing

If you only set the stain, then output it will be much easier than inveterate. Remove chewing gum can be by conventional washing.

  • The large capacity pour warm water. Its temperature must correspond to trouser label. Be sure to follow them, so as not to spoil the thing. Immerse clothes in water and leave to soak for 10-15 minutes.
  • Then remove the pants. Apply a liquid detergent solution and allow to act about 5-7 minutes.

  • After this time, try to remove the gum with the blunt side of a knife blade or a nail file to polish the nail.

Advice. Keep it to rub the cloth, otherwise you may damage it or stretch.

  • Remove dirt residues toothbrush with soft bristles, periodically dipping it in a soap solution.
  • After all these steps wash pants on delicate cycle.

How to remove the cud with trouser by heating

Only 5 minutes you need to eliminate pollution in the pants by means of iron. But you must act in strict sequence.

  • Thing on a flat surface such as an ironing board. Spread the cloth with a dirty place.
  • On the reverse side legs enclose a thick cardboard. This must be done to stain transferred to the second side of the garment.

  • On top of the gum, place a paper towel or a thick cloth. The surface of the paper should be well absorb the remnants of gum.
  • Iron preheat to medium temperature and iron contaminated place. Repeat this step for as long as the sticky stain is completely melted and absorbed into the napkin.

Advice. Instead of iron, you can use a hairdryer. Just turn it on medium power.

  • On the fabric, where there was chewing gum, apply cleanser and after 10 minutes wash in the washing machine.

How to remove gum from trousers using frozen

There is another option of thermal processing spots at which gum does not melt and harden.

  • Pants fold and pack them in a package that closely tie. So the moisture from the refrigerator does not get inside.
  • Package with clothes put in the freezer for a couple of hours. During this time, a sticky substance will harden and fall behind the fabric.

  • If the gum is not completely retired from his trousers, then lightly rub the fabric with a toothbrush or a metal object with a blunt end.
  • When the material is completely thawed, gently wash the pants in the washing machine or manual mode.

Important! Such a method of stain removal is only possible for thick fabric. Delicate material such as silk or chiffon not be frozen.

How to remove gum from trousers by chemical means

Aggressive preparations for removing stains should not be used for removing gum. They can spoil a thing. Try first to use vinegar and peanut butter.

  • With the help of vinegar, you can get rid of the sticky stains on the trousers only a blue or blue colors.
  • Vinegar good warm up. Take an old toothbrush, dip it into the hot liquid and rub the stain. If the gum is not far behind, then repeat the procedure.

Advice. Remove the stain that is left of a sticky gum to help ordinary dishwashing detergent. Apply it on the cloth, leave for 10 minutes and then completely wash the pants.

  • Peanut butter also help remove dirt. Apply a small amount to the chewing gum. Try not to get dirty with the rest of the fabric.

  • After 10-15 minutes, try to clean off the sticky gum with a knife. Then wash the pants.

How to remove gum from trousers using boiling water

But this method requires attention and the presence of an assistant. Also, boiling water prior to use, ensure that the material will withstand high temperatures.

  • Pants put on the cup and the contaminated water the hot water seat. When the chewing gum softened, try to remove it with a knife.

  • Or thing put in hot water for 5-10 minutes, and then separate a sticky substance.
  • After this treatment, a dry pants. If after drying the gum still remained on the cloth, then repeat the procedure.

How to remove gum from trousers with duct tape

If we carry out cleaning at home is not possible, then use a conventional adhesive tape. But this method is suitable only for fresh stains.

  • Cut small strip of adhesive tape.

  • Tightly secure it to the chewing gum and pull up sharply.

  • From the first time you are not able to remove sticky dirt from the fabric, therefore, repeat the procedure until it is completely deleted.
  • In this case, each time a new cut off a strip of adhesive tape. So you do not get dirty material around the spot.

Clear pants from chewing gum at home possible. But the main thing that is necessary for you to remember: do not remove her hands, as she clung to the fabric.

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