How to remove the unpleasant smell from the refrigerator

How to remove the unpleasant smell from the refrigerator

Each hostess is not insured against the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator. But this is not at all reason to urgently unload the products and proceed to general cleaning in its unit. Unpleasant flavors can be eliminated without it.

The first thing you need to do is fully examine all the shelves of the refrigerator, a special emphasis on the doors and the bottom shelves, where vegetables are usually stored, on the subject of something old and missing, as it can be a source of unpleasant odor.

Specifying pieces of bread on each shelf for 6-8 hours, it is possible to reduce the unpleasant smell - the bread is a great adsorbent to absorb all unpleasant flavors, especially since this product you will always find in your kitchen.

Puting a small container with ordinary food soda in the refrigerator, you can also get a good result to eliminate specific smells. After spent soda, you can wash the fridge inside or outside - the surface will be blown clean, while you get a good result of the smell of freshness.

Another option to eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator is the most common activated carbon. Small pills will work on perfectly - they absorb all the muck, while not taking a lot of space in your unit. Buying in the store branded filters for the destruction of mall smells in the refrigerator, you acquire the same activated carbon, only in beautiful packaging.

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The most excellent girlfriend to ensure fresh air in your refrigerator is tea bag. The advantages of this tool are obvious: there is a packaged tea in every home, and its use is very convenient - there will be no place for a lot of space, it will not be possible to scatter, it will not work out. This is a small and imperceptible assistant. The main condition for using such a fund is not to give to wet the sachet.

A well-purified potato tube can serve as a good natural adsorbent. Cutting it and placing it on the shelves, for quick time you can get rid of bad flavors. The only inconvenience will be the fact that potatoes must often be changed on more recently.

The juniper twig, placed in the refrigerator chamber, not only eliminate the bad smell, but also will contribute to the appearance of a pleasant aroma with disinfectant properties.

All these methods will not be difficult, but still, in order to avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors, it is necessary to remember that all fresh and edible products should be hermetically sparkled by the food film, cooked - covered with covers, vegetables and fruits - placed in special containers. This is done to avoid mixing the flavors and the use of weathered products.

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