Freckles are point pigment specks that appear with the arrival of sunlight in people with light skin and red hair. Women belongs to spring spectacles: Some - dream of bringing them out, others on the contrary, paint artificial cacopats on the face. If you do not mind decorate your spout of freckles, but do not know how to do it, use our advice.
How to make natural freckles?
Let us make a reservation immediately, the recommendations below will help only blonde and light-eyed features, but they are useless for burning brunettes.
Your actions:
- With the beginning of warm days, walk more on the street, substituting the face of a gentle sun, since ultraviolet enhances the production of pigment, which leads to the appearance of freckles.
Tip: For quick receipt of freckles before walking, drink a cup of strong coffee.
- If there is not enough time to the daytime, tapping in solarium, most importantly, do not overdo it with an artificial sun.
How to make freckles with a pencil?
Drawn freckles are short-lived, but they also give a leaning gentle and naughty appearance.
- Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil - One-piece Light and Dark Brown
- Brush for shadows
- Powder
- Apply a light brown eyeliner in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose and cheeks small points. Between them, draw the nettle of the larger, using a dark tone pencil.
- Scatter the cachatka chaotically in the face so that the specks do not hang along to each other.
- Drink a brush with a freckle drawing, as if polishing it, and makeup one day is ready.
How to make freckles henna?
Want to pour into freckles for several days - draw their henna.
It will take:
- Package with henna powder
- Boiling water - if necessary
- Deep Plate, Spoon, Wooden Culley Spaw
- Fill the henna boiling water, stir, give it to the consistency of the fatty sour cream.
- Test test. Moisten the tip of the stick in a thick mass and put a slightly highlight on the inside of the forearm. Hold 7 minutes.
- Repeat manipulation and win five minutes. Repeat the junction and rest for three minutes. After the time, rinse the pattern with warm water, find the remand points and set the time of their appearance.
- Deciding with freckles, write them on the face, alternating small dots with large.
How to make bright freckles?
Freckles of a natural shade to get quite simply if they put marked by the auto market.
Can be useful:
- Spray or cream for auto market
- Plate
- Toothpick
Suggest cream to a plate. Take the wheel to the toothpick and apply on the skin of the face, putting the point in the required place. Wait until the specks get dry and everything is done.
How to make theatrical freckles?
This method of applying freckles is suitable when setting a kindergarten or home presentation.
Would need:
- Watercolor paints (honey)
- Toothbrush
- Powder
We work:
- Mix on a saucer brown and black paint with water, taking on a little bit of each component.
- Swipe the bristle and cheeks, plunge the bristles into the prepared mixture.
- Run the brush to face, press your fingers on the bristles, then release them. The paint sprinkles giving out the effect of real freckles.
How to make freckles an old agent?
All ingenious - simply and with the freckles that our great-grandpa do ordinary iodine. And all because the cavalo girl in Russia was considered beautiful and according to the predictions of the elders, married love and had prospecting in the house.
- Bubble with iodom
- Toothpick
- Vata.
How to do:
Tighten the sharp end of the toothpick with a piece of cotton wool. Water the resulting cocoon in the iodine solution, flow on the wrist, so as not to burn on the face of the skin. Now treat the foreheads, the bottom eye zone, the nose, cheeks, chin. Pigmentation will last bright hours of five, then the body "Eat" iodine, and the freckles melted without a trace.
That's all recipes for applying ornamental freckles. Now you have the case you like the option, draw on the face of cacopa and get used to the created image of the modern chamber.