In what cases maybe it is necessary to make a poster yourself? Someone congratulate someone happy birthday or another significant event, make an advertisement, give advertising. In different cases and methods manufacturing posters will be different. Hand Made poster is suitable for congratulations. For advertising and other major purposes, it is better to create a poster using various computer programs. But we will consider the most affordable way - a poster drawn by hand.
Handmade poster: Materials
Create a poster with your own hands is a solid creativity, limited to the author's fantasy flight. Materials that will help draw it - the most diverse.
- Simple acutely sharpened pencils.
- White eraser. He perfectly erases a simple pencil.
- Colour pencils.
- Feltolsters.
- Markers.
- Paints - the gouache is excellent for the poster, it is distinguished by a dense paper coating during drawing, and fairly intense colors.
- Watman of any size, it all depends on the wishes of the Master - you can use the format A3, or A1 is the largest of the Watmans. Or glue several sheets.
- Photos, drawings, sweets, all that will be required to express the basic thought of the poster.
You can use all the materials, or to stay on a few, it will solve the artist.
Preparatory work
The working surface must be divided into three parts: the top, center, bottom.
- Recovering some distance from above (the size of this distance will depend solely on the size of the sheet) you need to spend a thin, barely noticeable line. It will be a header line. Its later can be bent if the name of the poster will want to write an arc or make multi-level letters. So far, this is a conditional line that will help the drawing correctly navigate in the space and plane of the future poster.
- It also needs to be done at the bottom: to retreat some distance from the edge and conduct an imperceptible line with a simple pencil. It will be the so-called "basement". At this level also place important information.
- And the third line is conducted in the center. This will be the axis of placement of the basic action on the poster. Focusing on this line, it will be possible to create a symmetrical pattern, beautifully stick a photo or designate places for poems and congratulations.
Then you need to write a title on the upper line. It may be, for example, the inscription "Happy Birthday!" or "Congratulations" or completely any words. Writing the title is only an exclusively simple pencil. This is done in order to determine the size of the font, the width of the letters, the placement of the header so that it fit on the sheet as you thought it. Strongly pressing a simple pencil is not necessary - it's just a sketch, and it will later be better if on the final version of the poster it will not be noticeable.
- Below, in the "basement", very important words are also written, but their font is slightly smaller than the header. However, the words located in the basement are equally important than the title, and their elaboration should also be paid great attention. It may be a wish, calling, phone number, address, depending on what purpose and what promise is a poster is created.
- It remains to work out the central part of the poster. In the heart of the center there is a key drawing or photo - it is for him that the viewer will be drawn. You need to outline this place and outline the borders, how much space does the key position take.
- On the sides, it is also necessary to designate places where photos will be pasted, wishes are written or other important information that will be important for people reading a poster. These places can be denoted by simply squares and rectangles.
- Now you need to retreat a few steps back and see the markup of the future poster. Evaluate everything with an objective view: whether everything was placed that it will be scheduled, whether the size of the heading and subtitle letters in the basement is sufficient so that they do without difficulty, the center of the poster will look beautiful.
- This preparatory work can be considered completed.
Shipping poster creation step
- Now it remains for small: to give a poster of colorfulness. Naturally, the use of paints will make it really colorful and juicy. But conventional color pencils are also suitable, and the contours of the brightness inscriptions can be enhanced with markers or markers.
- First you need to decide: you will have a poster with a colored background or remain white. If you decide to make a color background, then Watman before painting and gluing other elements you must first toned. Here you need to observe certain caution. The background tone should not be too intense, so as not to drown everything that will be depicted on the poster on top of it.
- If the paint will be used for toning, then before proceeding to other works, it will be necessary to wait for it to complete drying, because if this is not done, the marker, felt-tip or other paints, which will be carried out on top, can sprawle, and all work It will be spoiled, it will have to start again. Also, the background can be created using color pencils. Waxing shallow or watercolor pencils for creating a background is better not to use. They have a fat basis and on their surface marker, felt-tip or paint can roll and do not go to bed.
So, the decision on tinting is accepted, all work, with this related, are done. Now you need to take the rest of the elements. Work on the poster is underway down.
- The first thing in color is working as a header. Letters first paint. You can paint all the letters in one color, or make them multicolored - how to solve the artist. The final stage of work on the title is to circuit in the contour to give them clarity, brightness and completeness.
- Then the center is being worked out - here work is carried out from the epicenter to the edges. A photo is pasted or a miniature and a drawing is created. Then work is carried out above the left side - there are congratulations, wishes, emoticons, small photos, pictures, crafts or other elements. Very often to create comic greeting posters use sweets. Then the right side is being worked out.
- At the final stage, the subtitle is attributed to the "basement". Letters are also painted and shown along the contour.
In general, the work on the poster is completed. You can safely post it in a prominent place or give the perpetrator of the celebration.