How to make your own hands Autumn Topiary

How to make your own hands Autumn Topiary

When is the new season, it does not matter, it's summer or winter, the soul requires some changes - I want to make a new hairstyle, create a new «look», make the adjustment, to decorate your interior. Regarding the latter, then a good option in this case would be the creation of topiary, which perfectly fit into any interior. Let's look at how their own hands to create an autumn composition.

The essence of Topiary

For those who do not know what Topiary, explains, it is a kind of decorative type of composition, which in appearance is similar to a tree. This element is always used for the decoration of any interior. The main advantage of such artefacts is its practicality, that is, it is suitable for any interior.

Another Topiary may also be called the "European small tree." Designers having seen how beautiful it can be to cut the bushes and trees, thinking that you can create such unique plants with their own hands.

Actual creation of such artefacts is in the autumn, when nature makes it possible to stock up on natural and found materials for this, and they can be very diverse.

It all depends on your imagination and effort, because, realizing all of this in the creation of crafts, you will receive an original and beautiful element that is suitable for interior decoration or act as a very interesting gift, which will please anyone.

To create a fall Topiary used the following materials:

  • chestnuts
  • vtek
  • fruits
  • autumn flowers
  • acorns
  • christmas trees or branches of mountain ash, etc.

Shape Topiary may be different, but most often, it is either a cone or in the form of a bouquet. The main part is just considered crafts crown, so you can decorate a variety of elements, such as ribbons, beads, crystals, etc. It can be:

  • bring to kindergarten, to school like crafts
  • give to a friend for a birthday or other celebration
  • decorate them your interior, and, in any room

Materials and tools for creating topiary

What we need in the manufacturing process:

  • Natural materials. Here, everything that you only want can be used - and chestnuts, and leaves and mountain ash, etc.

  • A stick of wood. She will be performing for our unusual trunk tree. If a stick is not there. For such purposes, you can also use the wire, but in this case it is mandatory to be strong and thick enough.
  • Adhesive substance. Choose the glue required, depending on what it is for the materials you will use to create the considered crafts. The best option - to use glue gun.
  • Ball of foam that will form the basis for our crown.
  • Pot wood or other utensils to be able to use it as a vase for a future tree.
  • Alabaster, rocks, sand, gypsum

Instructions for creating topiary

Now that we have dealt with the materials and tools, we can proceed to analyze step by step instructions for creating crafts consideration:

  • In a receptacle for our crafts is necessary to pour the foundation to the tree trunk are quite stable and firmly. As a basis you can use stones or sand and gravel is also suitable. Rammed a foundation need to tightly enough and carefully, because the need to do everything possible to hack is not overturned in the future.
  • The next step in this process - based insert a stick of wood or wire, which will be the core of the craft. It should be noted that it will be necessary to insert a stick up until its bottom edge abuts the bottom of the selected pot or other container. It is not necessary that the rod was straight to fall Topiary fit and slightly curved stick, so it will be even more original.
  • Now you need a ball of foam spread on the upper end of our bar. It must be done carefully so as not to puncture the balloon rod through.
  • Basis Topiary is ready, now we need to use all your imagination and desire to create something original.

  • Pick up a glue gun, and natural materials, and in turn is glued to the basis of this crafts. This can be done in any order, it all depends on your preferences and imagination.
  • Among other things, it is possible to create a topiary also use different kinds of fabrics - velvet, felt, etc.
  • Excellent look at Topiary chestnuts and acorns and rowan twigs and other small autumn decorations.
  • It is not so difficult to make such a cracker, it may seem, especially since you can attract children to this process, which means that this occupation will become more inetainable and becoming more important.
  • If you decide to make the autumn Topiary in the winter, do not think that it is an impossible task, because artificial elements of autumn are actually applied here.

If you do a carefully and conscientiously to do the crash, then it may take more than one hour to make it, so, prepare for the fact that your free time needs to be calculated so that you are enough for the manufacture of autumn Topiaria.

If you try, you will have a very beautiful and current interior, which will become an excellent decoration for your interior. Among other things, such an exercise will become an excellent gift for any holiday. Try and embody your ideas into reality.

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