How to make a New Year's Makeup with your own hands?

How to make a New Year's Makeup with your own hands?

New Year's crafts create an atmosphere of the holiday. Shops are already filled with christmas toys and souvenirs. But everyone knows that there is no more valuable for the gift that was made with his own hands. In our article, we have prepared simple master classes, in which it is described in detail how to make a New Year's venue using different materials. Such mittens can be decorated with a Christmas tree, put small gifts in them or simply complement the New Year's decor of the apartment.

Beautiful mitten of felt

Even if you never worked with a felt, you can still make such a New Year's crawler. This is a very supportive material for needlework, it is very easy to work with it. Not exceptions are masters who have no sewing machine. You can easily do without it, the material can be sewn manually using only a needle and durable threads.

What will take:

  • felt of two colors (one will be the main, the second serves to finish the top edge of the mittens);
  • threads of similar colors;
  • scissors;
  • template of all parts of a mittens of paper;
  • little piece of chalk;
  • beads;
  • glue pistol;
  • needle;
  • button.

We prepared a simple mittens template, it can be printed and make a crawl, according to the workpiece. Dimensions are taken standard, but you can change them.

  • 1 step - cut the pattern from paper, we apply them to the feta, we supply the shallow;
  • 2 step - now cut out the closures from felt (you have two sides of the future mittens - front and rear);
  • 3 step - on the front side exactly in the middle, sew a button (it must be medium in size, in one color range with a felt, you can also use a larger amount of buttons);
  • 4 step - cut out of the felt of another color the edge for mittens, sew it to the workpiece with a looping seam (repeat the same work with the rear part);
  • 5 step - attach two sides of the mittens to each other, sew a looped seam (the top of the mittens with the edge to sew is not necessary, since you will have the opportunity to hide in the small gift or sweet treat);
  • 6 Step - Stick to the front of the crafts of decorative beads (for better fixation, use a glue gun).

Instead of beads, you can use other decorations. For example, carved snowflakes or Christmas trees from felt will look at the New Year's mittens.

Paper mitten (handicraft with children)

Children waiting for the New Year holidays. To pass the countdown to the long-awaited miracle, make a New Year's craft with a child in the form of a mittens.

What will take:

  • template with drawn vechers;
  • glue stick;
  • 1 sheet of color cardboard;
  • christmas tree tinsel;
  • wool.

To create a craft, you can use a template or draw a verge of personnel.

  • 1 step - Cut the paper pattern, attach it to the cardboard, circle and also cut out (sufficiently face mittens);
  • 2 step - the lower part of the mittens (edge) generously lubricate with glue and glit in small parts;
  • 3 step - we cut small stripes from Mishura, process the whole front part (it is not recommended to use PVA glue, since paper can appear on the finished craft);
  • 4 step - sprinkle with a mitching with chopped tinsel.

Also such a mittens can be decorated with small white snowflakes cut out of paper.

Mitten of dough

New Year's handicraft can be done from salt dough. This mitten will decorate your home every year, as it does not deteriorate and not deform.

What will take:

  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt of fine grinding - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • cold water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • paints gouache.

First of all, prepare the dough, according to the consistency, it should resemble a mass for modeling. If the dough sticks to the hands, add some more salt.

  • 1 step - divide the dough into two parts, from one - give the shape of the mittens (the second will be needed for decorations);
  • 2 step - on the edge Make small holes with a pencil;
  • 3 step - from the dough, blind a small Christmas tree, to give the bulk shape of the forest beauty, with the help of manicure scissors, make small cuts on it, put exactly in the middle of the mittens;
  • 4 step - blind small balls and chaotic spread them across the workpiece;
  • 5 step - Leave the craft for a day in a warm place;
  • 6 step - ready to decorate a mittens at will.

During the manufacture of New Year's crafts, manifests fantasy, use healthy and natural materials.

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