How to make owls do it yourself?

How to make owls do it yourself?

Today, more and more popularity is gaining such a character as a sumunation. This pretty owl is used everywhere - print on clothes, make toys, decorations for the Christmas tree, figurines, lamps, etc. Let's deal with you today, how do you make a schuchka and what the delights of such a manufacturer.

Process nuances

It often happens so that parents have to come up with, and then do some interesting handicraft for school or in kindergarten, so the sovuchka can be made from a variety of materials, but one remains unchanged - the bird turns out the original and very cute.

It is also worth noting that to receive as a gift owl means that the donor refers to you with respect and considers you a wise man. It is said that any cauldron or statuette of owl brings good luck, so this is another reason why you have to do with your own hands. In this process, a person puts a part of his soul, and when he gives someone such a handicraft, you can be sure that happiness and well-being is provided to him.

Sew Owl Fabric - Materials

If you decide to sew the poultry under consideration, it is best to be desired from sufficiently dense and standing (holding form) tissues. A great option for this will be, for example, felt. Thanks to this fabric, the aircraft will be more realistic and volumetric. It is very simple to work with such a material, so even a beginner needlewoman Il needlework without problems will be able to sew the original owl from felt, which will have to your liking, both a child and an adult person.

Let's start our master class with clarification, what materials and tools will be needed in the process of making a coil from the fabric:

  • Paper - should be dense, so the cardboard will become the perfect option in this case.
  • Fabric - here it will be relevant to be quite large flap of tight fabric (as stated earlier, the felt will fit perfect for the purposes under consideration).
  • Filler - in the role of him may be foam, wool, etc.
  • Needle, threads of different colors
  • Scissors - it is desirable that they are not alone, and a few: small with rounded edges and more for convenient cutting out of all major parts.
  • Stencil - need to make it easier to make a pattern for owls.
  • In order for the aircraft to be original, take the fabric of the bougar, as well as use a variety of butt, rhinestones, beads, ribbons, sequins as scenery, etc.

Patus Sovukhushka

First of all, before starting to sew the bird in question, it is necessary to do a pattern, without which it is difficult to present the process in question, in principle:

  • For pattern, you need a round-shaped paper segment, the circle of which will be 85 0and second - 35 0. In this case, the radii of such circles must be identical to each other (that is, the same). Ultimately, you should have a pair of volumetric triangular parts with a convex bottom made of paper.
  • Now we take stencils, it will be needed to cut one element of each pattern. After that, it will be necessary to submit them to honey. It is necessary to do this in no hurry and carefully so that the craft is accurate and smooth. Only there is one point - it is not necessary to sew the bottom, because in the future you will need to be filled to create a volume. Now we have a cone from the fabric.
  • Now with the help of the pin, you will need to separate a quarter of the top cone, which we did earlier.
  • What remains under the pin will need to firmly fill in the selected filler. We are sewn bottom threads that are suitable for color of felt or other material.
  • The angle that remained empty must be carefully sewed to the volumetric torso of the bird made. Thus, we get the beak and head of the owl. It is necessary to sew a neat stitches that will not be visible on the surface of the crafts.
  • The next stage of manufacture is the scenery of the crafts. Here you can apply all your skills, ideas and fantasy. Decorate the body of owls by rhinestones, beautiful ribbons, sequins or beads.
  • In order for the sovuka to firmly stand on smooth surfaces, it is necessary to sew a cardboard supply in the size of it, which will be a little more owl. Pre-cardboard stand must be covered with a cloth.
  • Do not forget also about the face of our amazing owls, you will need to make eyes. To do this, cut out of the white material of the eye protein, do not forget also stands about the iris, which should be contrasting against the white background. Shill or sew among themselves all the details of the eyes, and attach to the place where they must be.
  • If you do not want to bother, then you can simply attach bright two identical buttons to the place of eyes.

  • In order for the caretaker to be still a nail, you can attach it to her belly or under the chin is a beautiful small bow.

Now you know how from the fabric you can quickly and just make owls, and at the same time you will not spend a lot of money and strength. Finished products of such a plan will cost you much more expensive, so this fact should be taken into account while thinking about to buy ready or make it yourself.

Among other things, Owl, made by his own hands, will be an original gift for anyone close to you, and it doesn't matter how many years he is, 5 or 45. Also considered decoration is an excellent decor element in any room.

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