How to make a carriage of pumpkin with your own hands

How to make a carriage of pumpkin with your own hands

When a child goes to a garden or school, then parents, even those who were not needed by handwriters, become them in the moment. Let's talk today about the process of creating original crafts and for example, take consideration of such a craft like a pumpkin carriage.

Process nuances

In fact, there is nothing easier than creating original crafts from pumpkin. More recently, we did not think that such a vegetable like a pumpkin could be used as a basis and raw materials for beautiful surround crafts, as soon as the American Halloween holiday entered our life. Pumpkin has become the first in the list of materials for crafts, and, not only for Halloween, but also for any other events and holidays.

Crafts from pumpkins are performed by applying such a direction as a carving, so if you can cut original things from this vegetable, you can already consider yourself a master in this matter. There is nothing complicated in this process, you can not worry about this. You even don't even tell you to buy some special tools for this. Here we will use everything that is from every home, so the cost of the craft will be minimal, which cannot but please the parents.

If this is not difficult and does not require special costs, then it is necessary to move directly to the preparation, and it is as follows:

  • To begin with, do it, and find a beautiful image of the carriage in children's books in which real princesses go. If there were no such books at home, do not worry, because you can find a lot of image carriage in the Internet space (fortunately, everyone has access to it today).
  • You need to decide which decorative elements you will use, as well as from which parts should be your coach. This is very important, because the next step is to prepare all the necessary materials.

Materials and tools

We now turn to the list of all the necessary tools and materials:

  • Pumpkin. This is our fake base, so it should be smooth, beautiful and correct shape, because the cemeted vegetable will look at all perfect.
  • Wire. It will use a sufficiently dense, but not too tough wire. It will work very simply with it (it should be easily stuffed, but at the same time maintain its shape).
  • Plasticine. No special here is not needed, so, just beta from your child ordinary plasticine and make something you need from it.
  • White and gold paint (you can also use other colors, everything will be dependent on your preference, desire and fantasy).
  • Knife. It should be thin enough and sharp so that you can easily make beautiful monograms on the surface of the pumpkin.

If for someone it will seem too difficult to such a task. You should not lower your hands, just try. We are confident that you will succeed, and much better than you can imagine.

Detailed step-by-step instructions will be the best assistant in this matter for you, the main thing is to carefully read and so that you have all the components and tools for this process.

The process of creating a boiling carriage

Let's do this detail:

  • To begin with, we will make the manufacture of wheels for our future carriage. The raw materials of this part of the crafts will perform wire. All you need to twist the ring from the material under consideration. It is necessary to do this in such a way that it is smooth and beautiful. In order to make the knitting needles to the wheel, you need to take a piece of plasticine and attach the same sized pieces of wire in the form of snowflakes, and the edges of these twigs to bind to the rim of our wire wheel.
  • Thus, we make three more wheels. Here you should also not forget that the front wheels will be an order of magnitude less in size than the rear, so that our handicap looks like realistic.
  • In order for the wheels to be more powerful and do not fall apart when fastening to the fake. We strengthen their plasticine.
  • When the plasticine wheels are ready (the color in this case does not matter), wrap them with pieces of paper and then cover with glue so that their design is stronger.
  • We wait until our wheels are dried, and it will take a lot of time for this, and then you can paint them into a gold color, connecting them pairwise painted into the golden color with pieces of wire (it will be the axis of our wheels).
  • Now it's time for the main work. For this we need pumpkin, the perfect option is white. If so, there is no, then after decoration to paint it into such a color.
  • Cut from the vegetable window on both sides. We make the same fabulous as in the pictures on the Internet. We use a knife for this. It is worth noting that the windows need to be made through. If you do this for the first time, first draw a pencil on the pumpkin of the contours, and then cut the window with a knife.
  • A spoon is useful in order to get the pulp from the middle of the pumpkin, but it is worth doing it carefully, so as not to damage the skin of our vegetable. If cut too exactly and exactly the windows did not work. Just circle the gold paint their contour, which will smooth visually all irregularities.

  • After that, you can go to the decoration of the pumpkin. Here, show your fantasy, paint the doors of the pumpkin, and can also be glued up by rhinestones, etc.

Now glue rims with wheels to the bottom of the pumpkin and give your work to the exhibition. Believe me, such an exercise will not leave anyone indifferent who sees it.

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