How to make a paper ring

How to make a paper ring

DIY has always been and will be in price, because such things are a very pleasant gift for any person. Let's talk today about how do you make a beautiful and original ring or a ring with your own hands and find out what is necessary for this and how this process is in reality.

Nuances of creating a paper rings

At one time, the rings were not just an ornament on the hand of a person, they showed the status of the personality, and also were used as a seal for many important and securities. Today you can buy any ring in the store, there is no shortage in these goods, but you should always consider their cost. It is clear that if you are the director of the company, you will not make a ring from the submitted materials, but here, for example, if there is some exhibition in your child's school and there it will need to make a beautiful decoration - make a paper ring, exactly, what do you need.

Among other things, children are not rarely asking their parents to buy them rings for their game, and then your needlework will become an excellent helper.

First, we are determined with all the necessary tools and materials to prepare them so that they are always at hand, then the process of manufacturing a paper ring will be faster, and easier. All that will be useful will be described in the list below:

  • Paper. It does not have to be clean and new office paper. Here you can use anything, starting with the newspaper, ending with some old unnecessary book.
  • Glue. For the purposes under consideration, it is not necessary to specifically buy some expensive glue, it will be enough to purchase PVA glue, and do not waste extra money (and if you have a little such glue at home, then it will be wonderful at all).
  • Scissors. It is clear that to create almost any craft can not do without this important tool. Without it, this process will be almost impossible.
  • Stationery knife. In this case, this is not a mandatory tool, but advisory, because it is very quickly and accurately shakes the necessary forms from the paper of any density.
  • Varnish. It should be transparent, so typical lacquer for the nails will fit perfectly.
  • Pencil, circus and ruler. These are also important components in the process under consideration.

Paper Ring Production Process

In order to make the original and beautiful ring, you do not need to apply any special skills and skills. Everything is extremely simple. The main thing is, in this case, follow strictly instructions:

  • First you need to take a clean piece of paper and draw a sketch on it with a pencil. If you are not a master artist or if you do not have a super fanata, just drive in the search bar "Sketch of a paper ring" and choose from the proposed options.
  • Do not forget that before starting to sketching the sketch, you need to measure your finger on whose hand will be manufactured by the expectation. Here, the main parameter is the diameter of the ring. If you want to make a ring on your finger, then just remove the present ring from the finger and draw it all sizes from it.

  • It is necessary to immediately note that it is not necessary to draw some very complex sketch, because it will be difficult to do such a ring from the girlfriend, so it is not necessary to complicate my life with such meaningless tasks.
  • It's time to take the paper prepared earlier. We take, for example, a magazine and separate individual pages from it.
  • We put the workpiece on this paper and take carefully. It should be noted that such sketches you must have a lot, therefore, lay in a stack of several pages and cut several parts at once and scissors.
  • If the parts are square, you can cut them without any problems, but if the parts are round or semicircular, then it is better to use a stationery knife for cutting out.
  • You need to understand that thickness, that is, the massiveness of the ring will depend directly on the number of cut parts.
  • It is time to collect together all the parts cut earlier and combine them with each other with the help of conventional PVA glue. It is very easy to smear the entire surface of the detail with glue, after which they put the following item on it, and so do it with all the available items. Such a process should be done carefully so that each detail on the previous one lay perfectly smoothly. No fuss and irregularities in this case cannot be allowed.

  • When the details are pasted one to another, you need to cover them from above with some heavy item, so to speak, you need to put the product under the press. The manufacturer should know that drying the glue on the product must be necessarily in normal natural conditions, it is not worth bringing the ring to the battery or oven, it can only harm our persot.
  • When the ring is completely dried, you need to polish all its surface very well and only after that reveal by a transparent nail polish.

As it turns out, make the original ring with your own hands, especially if you have a detailed instruction with a sequence of all steps.

Also, the ring of their paper can be done without glue using such a style as origami.

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