How to make a bulk paper from paper

How to make a bulk paper from paper

Parents do not interfere know about how it is good to have a couple of original ideas of children's crafts in stock, because such knowledge will necessarily be useful. Often, parental crafts have to do for exhibitions in kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions, among other things, sometimes you need to be able to make crafts in order to teach your child. Let's consider today how you can make a bulk tree and that for this you should be at hand.

Materials for bulk wood

The exercise of the exercise can also be an excellent toy for your child, so that the use of such an instance made by the personally, always exists. Another volumetric tree will become an excellent element of the city layout or school sector. In this case, the facilities can be made from the designer, but the tree will become a surround handicraft.

It is necessary to immediately note that make such a craft without help, without any problems will be able to even a six-year-old child. So adult will cope with this task very quickly and without any difficulty.

Now consider all the materials you need and tools, they need to be prepared in advance so that everything is at hand, then the process of creating crafts will be fairly simple. So:

  • Color cardboard (in this case, we will need sheets of dark tones, namely brown and gray).
  • Colored paper (it can be thin and need us exclusively green leaves, you can also take different shades of this color).
  • Cardboard for the template (it can be a piece of box or asked cardboard, no difference, because it will act as a template in the case of a bulk tree)
  • Adhesive composition. Here will be relevant to the use of adhesive pencil, because it is very easy to work with such a type of glue.

From the tools you will need only scissors and a pencil (the handle is also suitable if you do not find a pencil).

The process of creating crafts

We consider every step in detail so that no questions arose in the process of creating a bulk tree:

  • To begin with, with the help of glue, you must glue with each other several sheets of color cardboard. If you decide to glue multicolored sheets, the tree will get more fun. If you glue the same sheets of paper, the tree from all sides will be one-photon (more precisely, its trunk).
  • In order for the fastening of the sheets was reliable and also did not go wave, one sheet is needed over the entire perimeter to lubricate with glue and it is safe to attach a second sheet to the back of the back side, after which it is mandatory for some time at the top of some small cargo. A plate, a book, etc. can be played as a cargo.
  • Now it's time from cardboard, which will become a template, cut a tree layout. To do this, simply draw a pencil on it a trunk of a tree with branches and scissors cut it very carefully. Strongly many small parts on the trunk do not draw, because it will be more complicated to cut.
  • Now thin sheets of colored paper must be bent smoothly in half, after which the withdrawal is thoroughly wrapped with adhesive composition and glue half each other. The press on the halves will not be superfluous. This paper will become the basis for our future leaves.

  • If you decide to make an autumn tree, then color paper needs to choose orange, yellow or red. If the tree decide to make the New Year, then white drifts under it and white snow on branches are what you need. For such purposes, it is worth taking ordinary fine colored paper, because the two-sided will be thinner than the fine sheets of conventional colored paper glued together.
  • Now the tree template will need to circle several times with a conventional pencil on a brown sheet and black. You have two tree trunks in your hands, one is brown, the second is black.
  • The next step is the manufacture of leaves for our tree. To implement this process, it will be necessary to carefully cut the paper sheet with small stripes. From each such strip, you will need to fold the harmonica, after which it will be necessary to draw on the last leaf, and cut it.
  • It turns out that you draw and cut out once, and you get a few tuk of the leaves right away. You can cut green, salad, yellow and orange leaves.
  • It's time to create a bulk tree from two already ready-made trunk patterns. To do this, on the same barrel with scissors to make an incision from below to the middle, but on the other, on the contrary - on top of the barrel until the middle. Now we connect these parts with each other, inserting one to another.
  • Now our tree remains to decorate beautiful and multicolored leaves. They are already cut out, so it will only be landed them on the trunk with the help of glue.
  • Now you have a volumetric, original and sustainable tree. If you want to create a composition for all seasons. It will be necessary to do this by the same scheme, only now one part of the trunk will be white, the second black, and the other are brown.

  • Leafs on one part of the trunk are bright green, it will be weight, on the other side - different shades of green, it will be summer, but yellow and red leaves on a black trunk. There will be autumn. Winter - this part of the trunk is partially white, like branches on it.

So you just get the original and bulk tree, and your child is a mass of positive from helping it.

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