How to make a stain

How to make a stain

Mordant is a special solution for the treatment of wood and make it darker. It penetrates the wood products and preserves its structure. This article describes the process of cooking stains of different colors.

Brown. Consider a few options to create a brown stain:

  • Clean walnuts shelled and dry it in the shade. Then ceiling shell to form a powder, pour boiling water, filter and put pinch soda.
  • Grind the bark of willow and oak, add walnut shells and alder catkins (all in the same ratio). Pour all the components with water and place 1 hour. L. soda. Boil over low heat for composition, then cool and strain.
  • For subjects with light wood suitable stain of strong tea leaves. hue saturation concentration dependent. Alternative - a strong brew soluble coffee and use the liquid as a stain.

Red tint. Prepare a strong decoction of onion peel. Take a small saucepan, put in it a lot of onion peel and fill it with water (to cover the entire husk). The water should simmer 5 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat, cover and allow to stand. Broth is ideal for products with light colors. To make the red color birch make a strong decoction of the bark of larch on the same principle.

Yellow tint. For yellow stains, prepare a decoction of the unripe fruits of buckthorn. If you want a more intense shade of yellow, add the alum solution. If you add the crushed bark of apple trees, the shade becomes brown.

Black shade. Take small iron parts, degrease them and pour acetic acid. The composition should come from day before the week in a dark place. If you need a rich color, leave the decoction for seven days. It is important to know that it will have a strong smell, therefore it is recommended to produce air treatment. If you need a shade darker, process again. It is worth noting that wood products with a large content of tannins, the composition will paint in anthracite.

Green shade. Consider several cooking options.

  • Take 150 g of top colors, fill them with a liter of water and boil. Then add the alum and boil the composition another hour. At the end, make filter. Prepare another decoction - from oak bark. Mix the two received funds and give the future mourner to launch in glass dishes for seven days. Without adding a decoction of oak bark, the veil will turn out to be golden yellow, and when applied multiple layers - orange.
  • Take 50-60 g of Medica Powder, dissolve it in vinegar and boil the tool for 10-15 minutes. Experts argue that it is preferable to dip wooden products in this solution, but if it is impossible, process the surface several times.

Blue hue. Take the fruits of turquish, squeeze the juice and mix it with soda. If you mix the juice of these berries with a glauble salt - get a scarlet shade, with a copper vitriol - brown, with potassium carbonate - green.

Gray shade. Dilute the water with vinegar in the same ratio and put into a solution of rust products made of metal (it is preferable to use wire or nails). Give liquids to break a little, then lower the wooden product and wait for the desired shade to get the desired shade. You can also process wood surface by applying multiple layers.

Creating simerings at home does not take much time and is relatively easy. If you need an unusual color, take advantage of aniline dyes that are sold in powders. Before processing, do not forget to test the color on another piece of wood.

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Jurkhen 05/05/2020 at 11:32

Pink and red gives the wood of the infusion of a ragger of rosehip.
The same result can be obtained using the decoction of tea from the carcade.


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