How to make a clear broth, if it is turbid?

How to make a clear broth, if it is turbid?

Cooking - is a science, the knowledge of which must have every woman, which considers itself a model. Sometimes, it happens that such a recipe is known and is not the first time the dish is ready, but still something is wrong. Often, when housewives boiled the broth, it is cloudy, let's find out how to fix this situation and how to prevent it.

The nuances of cooking broth

Broth - is a panacea for many ills:

  • when a person has alcohol intoxication
  • when problems with the digestive tract
  • if you want to rejuvenate

In addition, the broth is the basis for many tasty dishes:

  • various kinds of porridge
  • soups
  • aspic
  • sauces
  • aspic

If the broth is necessary for the preparation of some dishes, then its turbidity does not play important role too, but if you cook clean broth, it must be transparent. If it is cloudy, lost all appetite for sure, but there it is not very pleasant. In order to avoid the broth turbidity, it is important to know some of the nuances of its preparation, in which we are now, and we will investigate.

I would like to start with the fact that the basis of broth is meat, namely the correctness of his choice and will depend on the taste characteristics of the prepared dishes:

  • If you decide to choose a broth of beef, it is necessary to remember that a great option would be bull or heifer, whose age does not exceed 2.5 - 3 years. It is this beef broth to give a special flavor and taste. By the time the meat is also preparing much faster than meat old cow or a bull, so that this factor also needs to be borne in mind.
  • In that case, if you decide to cook soup on the basis of pork, then you should choose a breed bacon, because there is little fat, but in itself is lean meat.
  • Hen you need to buy a home because of her soup will taste better and richness. Do not make the broth of broilers. Among other things, the best option would be not frozen poultry, and fresh.

Choose products correct

So, the main components for the preparation of broth are grass, water, meat and vegetables. Let's deal with the choice of these components. Read more:

  • If you want the most fragrant broth - the pulp is the perfect option.
  • If you need an imaging broth, then meat on the bone, what is needed.
  • If you decide to cook pork, then the blade is the best option.
  • Beef for broth - ham and breast.
  • Bird broth can be made from any part of the carcass.

You should not forget that for the preparation of the broth you need to use only clean water, otherwise the probability of clouding it in the cooking process is quite large.

The amount of water should also be calculated, because too much water, it will not turn out to be welded broth, but a small amount of water is also good. So, the kilogram of meat will need approximately 3 liters of water, in some cases, a little less.

Do not forget that the water in a saucepan must be poured so much so that the meat is completely immersed. You should not forget that during the preparation, water will gradually be screamed from the pan (it is not desirable to add to the brief, the taste of the broth is not the same), so it must be pouring a little more.

We save muddy broth

So it happens that the decoction in your saucepan cloudy, but you should not panic or get rid of such a broth, because it can be reanimated. You can do this by applying a delay, it is worth noting that this process will be different for different types of meat. So, the process of resuscitation of the broth looks like this:

  • Get rid of excess fat. We take in the hands of the midst (it is desirable that it is cold) and spend neatly on the surface of the broth.
  • Now it's time to strain not the resulting broth. It is best to roll the gauze into several layers and then produce the process in question.

Now you can start the delay process, where the main component is a chicken egg protein. Calculate the required amount of protein is necessary for such a relation - for a couple of lithres of broth requires 1 egg protein. Also in this process takes the participation of the following components:

  • Water - a couple of spoons
  • Mince - 100 g

Process "Cleaning":

  • Connect mince, water and protein and gently pour into the broth, then everything is good to prevent and fault it within 6 minutes.
  • Now, fix through the gauze and "clarify" broth.
  • Another outflow option without the use of meat product (in this case, minced meat):
  • We take a deep plate, smear it with lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed), then smash the protein there.

  • We apitate it slightly, and then whipped by a fork.
  • In the cooled broth, add whipped protein and wait until all this boils.
  • We leave the broth to cool, after which they filter it.
  • I will remember that stuffing of that animal is needed to clarify the broth, the meat of which you use for the preparation of broth.
  • In the event that you missed the broth in the fish, and he cloudy, then the situation can save the carrot with a bow, which will be finely chopped. Cooking the broth with the ingredients under consideration is necessary until it becomes transparent.

Broth lightening rules:

  • First of all, the clarification uses cold delay
  • Broth at the same time, should be slightly warm, but not hot
  • From the very beginning, part of the delay is added, and after the broth is boiling, add the remaining portion of the delay and once again bring to a boil.
  • In the event that you are ate you use for lightening mince, then steering the whole "mixture" will need at least 25 minutes.

You can save muddy broth, and now you know how to do it.

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