How to make a bow from tape for a gift?

How to make a bow from tape for a gift?

The first impression of the gift produces its packaging. Therefore, she needs to pay special attention, to show fantasy and creativity. In our article, we picked up master classes of the most beautiful and very simple bows from the tape that you can decorate a gift.

Volume Gift Bow

Your attention is the original method of a bow of the tape. Be sure to follow the color of the tape and wrapping paper look harmoniously.

What will take:

  • satin ribbon (the width is at least 3 cm. The length will depend on the packaging volume);
  • scissors.

During the tie of the bow, you do not need to rush. All stages are clearly, according to the supplied instructions:

  • 1 step - Expand the tape along the entire length and place the box with a gift in the middle;
  • 2 step - tie the packaging with the right and left side, upstairs two strips of ribbons twist once (it is necessary to fix the position of the tape so that they do not slide on the box);
  • 3 pitch - to wrap the ribbon two other sides (for the convenience of doing this item, the box must be turned over, it will be the front side of the gift);
  • 4 Step - You should have a cross from the tapes, you need to turn two end of the satin tape under it;
  • 5 step - to twist once and tie a nodule, but not strong (to dissolve the sides of the node, give it a light volume);
  • 6 step - position the packaging in front of yourself the front side so that one end is on your right hand, the second - on the left;
  • 7 step - tape on the right side to turn into a bulk circle, to turn through the nodule (it is necessary to accurately calculate the length of the tape, since such circles need to do 3 pieces);
  • 8 step - to make two more circles (the position of everyone needs to be fastened, traveled ends of the ribbon through the nodule);
  • 9 step - repeat the action with the left satin ribbon;
  • 10 Step - You should have a figure of a ribbon, resembling volumetric petals of a flower with a middle;
  • 11 Step - cut off the ends of the tape, leaving 5 cm. For convenience of unpacking a gift.

Such a bow is perfect for large gifts.

Little Bow

A neat miniature bow is perfect for packing jewelry. To decorate in the style of Hand Made looked immaculately, you will need a cutlery - fork.

What will take:

  • fork with 4 tooths;
  • tape of two different colors (one segment 7 cm., Other - 5 cm.);
  • scissors.

Pick the colors of the tape so that they come together to each other, for example, brown with beige.

  • 1 step - Put the small segment of the tape, and on top of it the plug;
  • 2 step - the left end tick to the right side of the device;
  • 3 Step - the right end of the ribbon to start under the 2nd of the fork, (the end of the tape should be behind the fork);
  • 4 Step - Take a larger color tape and do the same work (this tape must be under a smaller segment);
  • 5 step - the ends of the long ribbon make the exactly in the middle of the fork (in the place where you started the tape under the device);
  • 6 step - weld the ends of the tape to the desired size, give the bent a volume by making it with manicure scissors;
  • 7 Step - Gently remove the bow from the fork and secure it with the package with glue.

Original bow of ribbon do it yourself

This is the easiest way to make a gift bow. You can independently choose the size of homemade decoration.

What will take:

  • three ribbons of different widths (7 cm, 5 cm, 3 cm);
  • one short tape for the nodal.
  • scissors.

If you use satin ribbons to create a bow, then the sliced \u200b\u200bends should be accurately burned with a lighter.

  • 1 stage - cut the tapes of different lengths, reducing each 2 cm;
  • 2 stage - the ends of all tapes cut so that two small sharp corners are obtained;
  • 3 Stage - fold the ribbons to each other (the longest to the bottom);
  • 4 Stage - Exactly in the middle of a folded figure to tie a nodule with a short segment.

All bows described in the article can be made from satin, paper, floristic tapes. Do not forget about the elements of the decor, the ribbons can be decorated with beads, sparkles, beads of different sizes.

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