How do you make your hands a gift box?

How do you make your hands a gift box?

At this time, the packaging of gifts in the style of Hand Made is greatly popular. Prepare a gift box with your own hands is not so difficult, as it seems. The main thing is to pick up high-quality material, have a good mood and be patient.

Heart box

Such a box will be able to do absolutely each. At the same time, you will spend the minimum of money and time. For the manufacture of homemade packaging, you will need:

  • box template;
  • a loose cardboard (for paper it is better to go to a specialized store for scrapbooking, you can choose a cardboard of any color and density);
  • ribbon (20-30 cm.);
  • stationery glue;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil.

Operating procedure:

  • 1 step - print the template (size can be adjusted yourself, it must match the size of the gift);
  • 2 step - cut out the pattern;
  • 3 step - we are transferred to paper that you have chosen for packaging, template for the future box (you just need to cover the contours with a simple pencil);
  • 4 step - very careful, exactly according to the drawn lines, cut out the layout of the future box;
  • 5 step - on dotted lines, we make the fold line (the bend is more convenient to do with the angle of any table or not the sharp side of the scissors);
  • 6 Step - side sides of hearts glue glue;
  • 7 step - mug designated on template (2 pcs.) Cut (you can use hole punch or scissors);
  • 8 step - put a gift to the box, and stretch the ribbon in the hole;
  • 9 Step - Tie ribbons on a bow.

Tip: Buy ribbons to fit the packaging color.

How to make a box-cake?

It looks very original box in the form of pieces of cake. Such packaging can be done in case you give a few gifts at the same time (perfectly suitable for a large family, where everyone will take their "piece of cake"). To make a box, you will need:

6 sheets of cardboard (not very dense, the usual color paper is not recommended, it will not work out the correct shape of the box);

  • glue pistol;
  • scissors;
  • beads, ribbons, lace for decoration;
  • blade or stationery knife.

After you printed the finished pattern, you need to start making a cardboard piece of cake:

  • 1 step - cut out the template strictly based on the grounds (if you have a good printer, then the workpiece can be printed immediately on cardboard);
  • 2 step - bend all the fold lines;
  • 3 step - with the help of a stationery knife or blade to make a slot (the place is indicated on the template);
  • 4 step - glue all parts that are shown on the template and a piece of cake ready;
  • 5 step - we proceed to decorating (beads it is better to decorate a piece of pieces, and the ribbons will look good in the middle);
  • 6 step - repeat the manufacture of all pieces until it turns out the circle (most often it is 6-8 pieces).

Gift box for men

As you know, men are not very loved by flowerfish or packaging beads. Box decorated with sparkles, lace, they will definitely not appreciate. Therefore, to a gift packaging for a man you need to come in original. For the gift box you will need:

  • old shirt;
  • a box of shoes (if there is no such box, then it can be purchased by mail);
  • glue pistol;
  • scissors.

Now proceed with the design:

  • 1 step - glue the top of the box;
  • 2 step - with one side side cut hole and put a gift (this must be done so that the birthday party takes out his present, unbuttoning shirt buttons);
  • 3 step - shirt sleeves shy in "inside"
  • 4 step - shirt dressing on the box;
  • 5 step - cut off the oven bottom of the shirt;
  • 6 step - the edges of the shirt are adjusted to the base of the box and glue.

Tip: The smaller the box, the smaller the shirt should be. For a very small package, you can use a children's shirt.

Remember that the packaging must match the content. In the manufacture of the box, take into account the taste and character of the person you want to present a gift.

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