How to develop a hearing

How to develop a hearing

Musical hearing not is an exclusively congenital ability. His can shape and already v sense age, difference only v volume, what children easier and faster learn. Apply enough effort and patience, you will be able to learn to hear music, main –  stop impose to yourself, what w. you nothing not will out only because, what no talent with birth.

Hearing, how and other ability, develops then, when her actively use. it means, how more you will be study, thread stronger will improve your hearing. To develop musical hearing, uS necessary work out v to yourself feeling rhythm, raise melody and open interior hearing.

Train rhythm and feel tempor, begin with lungs rhythms and slowly, then accelerate:

  1. We read poems on the syllables to the music.
  2. Slaft under your favorite and familiar melody.
  3. Create a rhythmic pattern, marching at the same time. Account 1-4, on the first and third blow, they are still stronger, then we replace and make an emphasis on the second and fourth. Care for different music.
  4. Listen to melodies with complex rhythms.

To shape v to yourself melody, necessary understand structure melodies, traffic music. Making a difference, when melody gone way down, a when up and aside. For development melodic hearing  necessary to do solfeggio. If w. you no possibilities study with professional pedagogue, take advantage specialized sites or programs(for example, Noteris. – training apparatus for development musical hearing).

Interior hearingthis is yours perception and recreation music v head, thoughts, fantasy. How you imagine to yourself music, how her feel and remember. For of this necessary develop memory, imagination and musical taste. A so same to you will help solfeggio. To you necessary on hearing learn define intervals, rhythms, notes, chords.


  If w. you absent coordination vote and hearing, rough speaking, sing fake, then this is already testifies o volume, what musical hearing w. you for sure there is. You same hear, what sing by nototBut learn sope per music really. What necessary for of this? Infirst, stop think o elephants and bears, which failed to you on ears. Hearing w. you there is. Insecond, train coordination. First business necessary learn musical diploma and study sing v notes v limits one octave:

  1. Singing gamma: before, re, mi., f, salt, la, s., before and vice versaTo repeat not smaller 20 once, while not fix v memory sound each notes.
  2. Chromatic gammatraffic on halftons or consisting from haltone. Haltoneself nearby sounds. Press contract all keys. To purely their come in, need colossal concentration and attentiveness.
  3. Learn classical music, v her samem expressive and rich melody.

To develop musical hearing  necessary a wish and patience. Necessary many work above by himself, learn musical diploma and study, to achieve resultOn this is wait on one hour, day or month. Be ready train each day. To you preserved translate their skills v skills and bring their before automatism.
Success to you and inspiration!

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