Tea with the addition of lemon slices is extremely useful. However, only the most bold gardeners are solved to grow a capricious lemon tree. To do this, they sow bones into a flower pot, watered and after 3-4 weeks they discover the appearance of a young green sprout. A few years later, he turns into a beautiful big tree. The truth will be wild, with sharp spikes and barns. To please wild culture with its fruits will be able not earlier than in 15-17 years. In order for the tree to grow instead of spikes fragrant bright lemons, it must be instilled. There are several ways to give it in detail about each of them.
How to instill lemon - time and preparation
Extracting a home plant can traditionally be 2 ways in splitting and by vulnery. The most favorable time for the event is the period from mid-March to the beginning of May. Make a vaccination with a tree comparable to a small operation for a person, that is why it needs to be prepared in advance and stock the necessary tools. You will need:
- Garden sharply sharpened secator.
- A stationery or eyelid knife, it can be replaced by a scalpel or a new razor blade.
- Garden Var, rolling.
- Pure polyethylene package.
Before holding the "operation", all tools are necessarily disinfected by alcohol or a solution of copper sulphate.
How to instill lemon into split
The vaccination of fruit trees in the split is carried out with the help of a stalk - fresh twigs from any fruiting citrus culture.
- Sut off the escape from Lemon and break it, slightly shaking knife.
- On the triggered cutting cutting of the clins.
- Spread the knife and introduce the cutter. Try to at least on the one hand coincided the layers of wood.
- We bind the vaccination with a tape.
- We leave 2-4 kidneys on the cutken, the rest needs to be trimmed.
- All wounds are processed by Garden Warr.
In order for the vaccination successfully grown, it should be carefully covered with a plastic bag. Inside this package will be increased humidity and temperature - the best conditions for connecting components. When the first sprouts appear, the greenhouse is neatly removed. After 2-3 years, your lemon will delight the first harvest.
How to instill lemon in the eyelid
Occage is called the process of attaching the fruit kidney to lemon from another fruiting tree. As a provider, choose 1 one-year healthy escape.
- On Lemon-Dichka we break a piece of paper and on this place we make a neat incision of the letter T.
- Cut the bark in different directions. Easy compartment indicates active ascending, which increases the chance of successful completion of the procedure.
- From the prepared lead, we cut the kidney "heel". To do this, first make an incision at an angle of 45 degrees in front of the kidney, and then for the kidney. Gently cut off the "peephole". Attention - the cut should turn out with the grab of the cortex and wood layer.
- Insert the cruise in the section and typidly typidly as possible.
The latter action you need to remove the green sheets on the shoot, if any. The strapping can be removed after complete captivity, it can take about a month.