How to cook rep

How to cook rep

All the famous repa from the fairy tale eponymous has become available today for our owners - it can be purchased in the store and the market. Externally similar to white radish, but with a more delicate taste, it will greatly diversify the daily table. Unlike radish, which can be eating raw, the turnip must be thermal processing.

How to cook the turnip pair

The ancient Russian dish, which our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were preparing, will surely enjoy the whole of your family. To prepare this turnip easier simple:

  • Rope roots Clean the top skirt. Cut them with slices or large slices.
  • Place the turnip in the ceramic pot.
  • Put the pot into the cold oven.
  • Turn on the oven and wait until the temperature of 170 degrees is installed in it.
  • Tomate the reverse to its complete softening - from 1 to 1.5 hours.
  • Serve a steam turnip with sour cream.

How to cook turnip stuffed with vegetables and mushrooms

Stuffing the reverse by any products, but this recipe - with mushrooms.

  • 8 medium-sized reap pieces from skins.
  • Lower the turnip in boiling water and boil 7-10 minutes.
  • From the cooled root root, remove the pulp. Put her finely.
  • Boil 100 grams of any dry mushrooms. Do not pour the decoction.
  • In olive oil, fry 2 crushed bulbs and two chopped carrots.
  • Add mushrooms to vegetables, which are also tied.
  • Touch everything together for 5 minutes.
  • Add chopped meat turnips and salt and pepper to taste. Pour the floor of a glass of fungal broth. All warm and put a little dry thyme.
  • Starting stuffing the turnip and smear it with a thick sour cream.
  • Bake stuffed turnips in the oven 30-40 minutes. Temperature - 190-200 degrees.

How to cook turnip stuffed with apples and raisins

This recipe will love sweet tooths. So:

  • Purified repkah (6 pieces) lean in water until soft. Delete the middle and sort them.
  • clean 2 blocks from the skins and cut the cubes.
  • Apples Mix with the flesh and add a handful of raisins.
  • Stuffing with honey (4 tablespoons).
  • Fasting repka and sprinkle them with nuts.
  • Bake sweet twists to top golden crust.

How to make a stew from the turnip

Take in equal amounts of turnup, carrots, root celery, onions, tomatoes, zucchini. All make all the same pieces and fold into the saucepan. Spare vegetables and pepper and lightly sprinkle with vegetable oil. Casserole Send to a hot oven and keep stew in it for 2 hours. So that it is not burdened, install a bowl with water to the bottom. The oven temperature set 180 degrees. When submitting stew, sprinkle with chopped garlic.

Repoka in soups can be replaced by potatoes and fry her good as the same potatoes. With replica, you can cook even pies. One of the delicious recipes see below.

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