How to build a greenhouse

How to build a greenhouse

Many gardeners dream of their own greenhouse, which will allow them to do their favorite business throughout the year. When building this room, it is important to take into account the many small nuances, but everything is not so difficult, as it seems. Consider the phased creation of the greenhouse with their own hands.

Sample plan. Decide the size of a greenhouse and select a place to create it. It should be sunny, but not too windy. Include in your plan convenient sections for plants, electricity, ventilation and water supply. If you are planning to create a corner of greenery and serenity to relax, you will need other interior items. You can develop a plan and calculate the number of necessary materials after a detailed acquaintance with the article.

Foundation. The ribbon foundation is well suited under the greenhouse. With wooden pegs, we mark the place where the greenhouse will be located. Drop in this place a trench to the level of ground freezing and install the formwork. Pour the sand layer 5 cm, spress it and add gravel with a thickness of 10 cm. After the press, create a grid from the reinforcement and fill the concrete (15 cm). Do not forget to make a waterproof coating around the building. For insulation, polystyrene foam is perfect. The floor is recommended to fall asleep in small gravel. Such an approach will provide excellent drainage and relieve the room from dirt.

Frame. For the construction of high-quality greenhouses, aluminum, polyvinyl chloride or galvanized steel are perfectly suitable. You can order already cropped blanks or trim them independently and install the frame by welding. The tree is not a very successful option, because over time it will begin to deteriorate and require regular care.

Finish. Use materials with good impermeability and thermal insulation. Consider the fact that the room should act as much solar light. For the outer decoration, glass and such types of plastic, like polycarbonate, fiberglax and polyethylene film suitable. Fit the sheets of material on the frame. In the process of work, do not forget to carry out insulation and insulation of the walls. For the roof it is recommended to use cellular polycarbonate.

Heating. So that the plants are warm all year round, the boilers will use the boilers of different species. They can be electric, gasoline and gas. The most convenient is the first view because it does not require special ventilation. But if the electricity is turned off, the risk of the death of plants increases. Therefore, it is recommended to choose an integrated heating system. In the event of any problems, you can quickly connect the second option. Equipment is preferable to install in a separate room. If you plan to attach a greenhouse to your home, spend the home system of heating.

Ventilation. Plants need to regularly receive fresh air. In order to save on the purchase of a ventilation system, you can connect the electrical wires to the control unit and with them to automate it yourself. But few owners know how to do it. More convenient, but expensive option is the supply and exhaust ventilation system. It is endowed with special fans and air ducts. Experienced builders recommend installing it in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Watering. You can carry out water from your home in the greenhouse, then set the cranes there and water the plants yourself. More convenient, but the cost option is to install automatic irrigation, which allows you to leave plants without supervision even for several days. The system assumes the installation of a cumulative tank and pump, and then holding hoses to all boxes and sections with plants.

As you can see, make the winter garden independently quite real. With the right approach to work, the cost of the greenhouse will not be higher than the usual greenhouse. We wish you a successful construction and realization of your ideas!

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