How to lay linoleum on a concrete floor

How to lay linoleum on a concrete floor

More recently, linoleum was considered a sort of echo from the Soviet past, today it is increasingly chosen as a finish flooring as part of modern design repairs. The main advantages of linoleum: this is accessibility and practicality, wear resistance and the ability to lay on almost any base, including the concrete floor.

Primary preparation of the base. Before laying a new linoleum, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work - to remove old skirting boards and docking, to dismantle the worn flooring and insulating materials. After that, concrete ceiling is thoroughly cleaned of construction litter, dust and pollution.

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Alignment of the draft base. Further, through the construction level, the horizontal of the base is checked: not only the appearance of the flooring depends on the quality of the rough surface, but also its durability - the smoother concrete overlap, the less linoleum is exposed to wear and “stipling”. Small defects - cracks and cracks - eliminate with epoxy resin; Bugorks and protrusions are knocked down, then locked with a putty composition. In the presence of significant irregularities, the surface of the floor is poured with a cement-sand screed or self-leveling mixture.

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Hydro- and thermal insulation of the floor. After completely drying out, the screed is twice covered with an antiseptic soil of deep penetration, then coating waterproofing is applied over it. Since the concrete base is quite cold to the touch, a thermal insulation layer is laid under linoleum. As a heater, you can use a cork substrate, roll polystolis or polystyrene foam. When laying the techno-insulator, all joints are carefully glued with painting tape.

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Preparation of linoleum. Before cutting and laying, the acquired linoleum should “acclimatize” in the working room. A few days before the installation, the material is neatly laid on the floor, rough folds and creases are leveled with a weighty load (most often use sand filled with sand). When the canvas is departed, you can proceed to the preliminary cut around the perimeter of the room.

On a note! Keep in mind that the thermal expansion is characterized by linoleum. So that the coating during operation does not begin to swell and puff, a gap of 8-12 mm is left between the edges of the canvas and the walls. Subsequently, this clearance is successfully masked by the skirting board of a suitable width.

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Flooring flooring. The laying of the material is either dry or using adhesive composition or bilateral tape:

  • besecle consolidation of linoleum is used in small -sized rooms with low patency (bedroom and dressing room);
  • linoleum planting on glue or bilateral tape is used in more spacious rooms with intense cross -country ability (children's room, kitchen and hallway).

An important nuance! When choosing between glue and painting tape, consider that the first is more reliable, and the second is easier to dismantle.

Linoleum childish

Besecle installation of linoleum takes a minimum of time, since the coating is laid with a whole piece along the perimeter of the entire room. First, the canvas is thoroughly leveled on the floor, then adjusted in size and, slightly pulled, fixed with skirting boards. For reliability in the zone of the doorway, linoleum is additionally fixed using adhesive tape.

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Planting the coating on bilateral tape is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • first of all, the lower protective paper is removed from the mounting tape and glued over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room in the form of a mesh grill;
  • then the prepared material is laid out on the floor and bend in the middle;
  • next, remove the upper protective paper from the tape and alternately glue both edges of the canvas;
  • the coating is thoroughly smoothed or rolled in a roller in the direction from the central zone to the walls, excess is cut with a cutter or a clerical knife.

On a note! For reliable gluing the joints of linoleum, transparent glue or a special tool for soldering seams is used - “cold welding”.

Linoleum is cold welding

Linoleum planting on glue/bitumen mastic is performed in the following sequence:

  • first, the prepared canvas is laid out on the floor and bend along the length;
  • next, one edge of linoleum is lifted and applied with a gear spatula or an adhesive with a brush to an open area of \u200b\u200bthe floor surface;
  • after 20 minutes, the raised part of the coating is tightly pressed to the floor, while smoothing with the hands or rolling with a rubberized roller;
  • in the same way, the second edge of linoleum is fixed;
  • after the glue is completely dry (usually it takes about 2-3 days), the flooring is carefully cut.

By the way! The glue that came into the process of laying on the surface of the linoleum coating is easily removed by a soft cloth moistened in gasoline or turpentine.

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At the end of the installation of linoleum, decorative skirting boards and door rapids are installed around the perimeter of the room.

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