How to see estimates in the electronic diary

How to see estimates in the electronic diary

Unique online - the "Electronic Diary" service has many advantages: greatly facilitates the educational process and from the school administration, and from the student and his parents. One of the most useful and popular functions that it has is to view estimates and tracking the child's academic performance. Now it will not be possible to eliminate the incomplete mark of the eraser. "Electronic diary" take care of it.

Check service: how to do it?

Those who first encountered a unique service will help you learn how to check your child's diary. For this, uncomplicated manipulations should be done:

  • log in and logged in;
  • at the top to find the menu and select a "diary", and then find a tab with the same name;
  • on the screen you need the necessary information (assessments, teachers' comments, lesson schedule, homework).

Now you can proceed to the study of marks. When a parent cope with this task, you can report on the perfect check. Then immediately click on "I am familiar with the diary." The date will immediately appear.

It is noteworthy that you can familiarize yourself with the estimates for the current rating, starting from Friday. From Monday to Thursday, this button is inactive. But during this period you can view all the estimates exhibited earlier.

How to find out the details about the assessment?

If the parent wants to know when and what kind of subject a mark was put up, then the service is to share and such information. This follows:

  • to follow the "diary" - the "Diary" tab;
  • click on the mark of interest;
  • there will be a pop-up window with information, which work brought such a result (test work, creative task, etc.);
  • determine how the results changed over a week on a specific subject, you can go to "analysis" - "Dynamics of academic performance". The average value will appear on the screen. If you bring the cursor on it, then the calculation will appear, with which it was obtained;
  • immediately, it is possible to note the necessary estimates on the subject and build a schedule of academic on their basis.

Symbols in the electronic diary: what do they designate?

Checking the child's assessments, the parent can see the characters on the screen - a point or one more digit near the mark. This is not just like that. Each symbol carries a certain semantic load.

For example, the point indicates that a schoolboy has a training "debt" in front of the teacher. Perhaps he did not pass the report or unsuccessfully answered the lesson and should reckon. If you bring the cursor to the point, then you can see what object has "tails". When everything is handed over, this symbol can simply disappear or turn into a mark.

The digit next to the assessment determines its weight. The higher the figure, the more significant the result. For example, the assessments for the controls mean more than marks for independent work.

Weighted average ball: What is it and how is it determined?

Looking through the electronic diary, you can meet with the concept of "weighted average ball". This is an indicator that is calculated on the basis of all student ratings, taking into account the weight of the estimates. This performance indicator directly affects annual results.

The system calculates it automatically, based on all marks and grades. But if the parent wants to check if his service did not deceive, then it is necessary to use the formula: (estimate * weight + estimate * weight) / (weight of one estimate + weight of another assessment).

For example, a schoolboy has been estimating 5 (its weight 3) and 4 (its weight 2), the calculation will be viewed: (5 * 3 + 4 * 2) / (3 + 2) \u003d 4.6.

No reviews in the electronic diary: what is the reason?

It may happen such that the parent does not observe the results of the progress of his child for a long time. In this case, there may be no other data (attendance, homework, etc.). What can it mean?

Do not cost to complain on the system developers. She is good. The thing is that the results of progress in the electronic form drives the teacher. So he has not been "visited" for a long time. It should be informed about the shortcoming and ask to drive the results in a timely manner. You can do this using the "Private Message" function.

Modern technologies allow you to control all schoolchild ratings, promptly learn about the level of progress, both in a short period of time and for the general time segment. All this is possible in convenient online mode at any point with Internet access.



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