How to change oil in the gearbox

How to change oil in the gearbox

Today we will discuss a very important question: whether it is necessary to change the oil in the gearbox and how to perform this process with your own hands in the mechanical and automatic gearbox.

There are 2 options for the development of events:

  • You fulfill the oil to replace yourself.
  • You appeal to a specialized car service.

There is nothing complicated in self-replacement, it is only necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe gearbox and know where to fill. If you are not enough for knowledge in this matter, but the desire to figure it out, then take a little time and read the article to the end.

How to change oil in a manual transmission

Most professionals recommend changing the firmware in a manual transmission once a year and be sure to autumn. Why? In order to go on a fresh lubricant when underlying strong frosts. This recommendation is associated with the loss of its transmission fluid properties when temperature drops. This means that in the spring in the car there will be no entirely butter that was covered in autumn. Frosts make oil thick and viscous, which increases the load on the checkpoint.

To each car owner, the decision on replacing the oil transfers in a different way: someone begins to hear foreign sounds that make the gearbox when working; Others worries the mileage of the car, since for all the time they never changed the oil; It seems to someone that buying a used car, it is impossible to do without replacing the lubricating fluid, since the previous owner could refuel by substitreable materials. In any case, in order to calm the heart, replace the oil and do not worry about your car.

The design of the manual transmission is not so complicated as the automatic. The oil in the manual box is a working fluid, thanks to which the details are not so picky for the quality of lubrication. This means that here with the timing of oil replacement is much cheaper and easier. In modern cars with manual transmission, oil replacement is performed 1 time per 100 thousand kilometers. In automated boxes more often - 1 time per 60 thousand mileage.


  • The car is driving on the pit. Wheels fix the backups.
  • To speed up and simplify the drain process, unscrew the plug of the oil-sliced \u200b\u200bneck. It will not hurt to check the condition of the cover of the cover, if there is a need - replace it.
  • Unscrew the lid of the drain hole, all spent oil must drain into the prepared capacity.
  • Screw the lid into the drain hole.
  • With the help of a funnel, fill the oil. Pay attention to the lower edge is the maximum level of oil.
  • Tighten the oil lid.

How to change oil in an automatic box

In this case, the lubricant should be replaced by the one recommended by the manufacturer. The automatic transmission is incredibly sensitive to the composition of the oil and the slightest inconsistency can lead to breakage of the box.


  • Disconnect the supply hose from the radiator fitting. Lower it into any capacity of at least five liters.
  • Selector lever Move to the "N" position. Start the engine and the waste liquid will solve. The motor should not work more than 1 minute, otherwise the PPC pump breaks.
  • Mustle the engine. Unscrew the plug hole and remove the remaining liquid out of the box.
  • Tighten the lid and with a funnel pour into the bulk hole new oil. The hole can be found at the top of the box. Pour 5.5 liters of fluid is necessary. Pre-remove the level pointer.
  • Now the syringe is pouring another 2 liter of fluids into the liner hose.
  • Run the engine. Drain 3.5 liters of oil.
  • Mustle the engine. Pour the same 3.5 liters of oil again.
  • This operation should be carried out 3 times.
  • Only then pour the fluid into the box in the specified volume manufacturer.

There is no difference, what the box is installed - mechanical or automatic, it will still have to change the oil. Properly conducted replacement will ensure the perfect performance of the CAT in the process of vehicle movement. Remember, inclusions and failures may not be the best way to reflect on the controllability of the machine.

Comments leave a comment
Artem 07/29/2018 at 23:22

Good and useful article. He helped his brother change oil on Opel Insignia. Mileage was 120 It became box to twitch when switching. Changed the Top Tec ATF 1800 moth on the liquida. The stumps disappeared later.

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