How to check the engine oil

How to check the engine oil

Checking the oil level in the car is necessary to maintain it in a working condition. This is the simplest view of a regular car that can be performed independently. And this not that Forced you to consider yourself a caring car owner, it is more important. Please note the manufacturers often shifts the need to regularly check the condition of the car on its owner. Responsibility applies to non-compliance with the specified service measures. Oil must be checked before each long trip, because they are intensively carrying the engine. How to do it?

When checking the oil in the engine

Oil is tested only on a cold engine. All manufacturers of motor oils insist that oil testing must be performed before the car heats up, the oil should be cold. The meaning is that it is completely glass into the pallet. If you do this after the trip, the level will be shown less than the real one. If the check is performed after the trip, then the car should stand at least 10-T. minutes so that the oil stepping in the pallet.

If the street is cold, it will be advisable to start the car for a while, warm it up and drown. After 10 minutes you can start checking. Car need to warm up to oil drank. Because of the frost, it becomes thick, check will show erroneous readings.

How to check the engine oil - car setting

The car must be put on a flat horizontal surface. Oil should not fire to some side. Find the most flat surface and pour on it.

How to check the engine oil - go under the hood

Find a latch in the cabin that opens the hood. It is located on the left, before the driver's seat. She looks like a lever. Pull this latch, you must hear a click in the hood area.

In modern cars, this is not enough to open the hood. Get out of the car, look, the hood cover should be slightly lifted. It will not be able to open it - something keeps it from the inside. Slide your hand in the slot under the hood and click the lever. It can be both in the center of the hood and side. Spend your hand - it is easy felt. Pull it on yourself or in the side. Lift the hood cover and lock it.

How to check the engine oil - looking for probe

On modern cars, the oil level pointer is painted in yellow, orange or red. It can be rectangular or round. You will see a comfortable handle sticking out of the engine cylinder block.

Most cars with a box automatic have 2 probe. One is used to check the level of engine oil, and the second is to check the oil in the automatic transmission. You can find the probe automatic transmission in the rear of the engine compartment. The probe handle has a red or pink color. Please note, do not confuse the probe and do not fill the oil instead of a motor compartment in the box and vice versa - it can delete you in a penny.

How to check the oil level

Remove the dipstick. All probes have dimensions of 25-35 centimeters in length. Your goal is only the tip. Slowly get the dipstick, it should easily succumb.

You need to explore the color and quality of oil. These indicators talk about its age. The oil that is in good condition should have a yellow-brown or greenish tint. If the oil is opaque or black - it needs to be replaced urgently.

Wipe the dipped rag and plunge it into the hole again, from where you pulled it out. The knob of the probe must be fully fit in the seal. Remove the dipstick. Each probe should have 2 marks showing the minimum and maximum oil level. Look at the dipstick, the level should be located between Max and Min values. If the level is lower than the minimum value, then you should urgently add oil into the engine.

Try to regularly check the oil level in the engine and gearbox. Do not only rely on sensors, as they often fail and show erroneous values, after which you can pay very expensive for your credulity and carelessness. Watch out for the oil level and the engine thanks you with trouble-free long-term work.

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