How to get social housing

How to get social housing

Citizens Soviet Union not bought housing, because how his is free they distributed in order queues. But exhibition this turn need it was whole generations. Get apartment could those, who he served Homeland and persistent he worked. Today russians implemented own constitutional right on the apartment on one's own. So, some spend years necessary sum or take it credit in bank. If a such capabilities no, then can claim on the social housing. Consider what kind categories can get free square meters.

1) How to get social housing to the poor

Poor citizens can calculate on the housing in Russia, if u them no his housing. To this categories relate people, having level income everyone member families less how lining minimum. So for Moscow this level it is less 14 thousand. rub. In addition this, there is and other criteria, on which selected candidate on the blessed meters.

  • If a price property and income per specific line segment time poor citizen not allows buy housing area, which installed on law.
  • Square housing in which he lives human, less norms.
  • Not own housing area, which installed law on the man.
  • Housing not corresponds requirements security.

2) How to get social housing for military

Military personnel also can get free housing. At this do this is much easier, how low -income. Ministry defense controls separate turn. In addition this on the period expectations them free of charge provided service flat in volume place, where passes service. Then them given square meters in own.

Condition for receipt housingthis is service in army minimum 20 years and 10 years in case dismissal on state health, fromper age. At this u employee not must to be your own housing. Similar program exists for judges, prosecutors, workers emergency and rescue services. AT the present time act programs, thanks to which  consigious can get subsidies.

For military exists « military mortgage». Her principle consists in listing cO parties states military personnel sums, which can apply how contribution per real estate. State monthly pays money up to it before dismissal employee. Consequently, flat maybe get it is free, but there is one minusthis is then, what on this program maximum sum loan it is 2,5 mill rub. When flat costs much more, then to pay extra have to from own savings.

3) How to get social housing - p rivatization

  • More one way receipt social apartments is process privatization service housing.
    For this necessary luck, because how:
  • Broadcast housing in private own possible ourselves enterprise, u whom this an object located on the balance sheet.
  • This option real in case agreements or excessive generosity enterprises.
  • Broadcast possible in case liquidation enterprises. Then all property it becomes property municipality. BUT he provides her employee, having registration in her on contract social hiring. Apartment need privatize for togo, to she is i became property.

4) The birth of children to get social housing

Many children families have right on the free apartment. Some time back they could calculate on the site earth, a now there is possibility choose apartment.

But this is concerns such large children families:

  • poor, not having housing in compliance with normsthis is minimum 10 squares on the one member families;
  • live in house, which the counts emergency or dilapidated;
  • live in this region specific time, at this terms life in flow five years not worsen, then there is it is forbidden sell real estate, no one not prescribe.

Many children families, having minimum 3 children, can calculate on the subsidy, which equals normative value housing. Of course, on the purchase housing her not enough, but use her in form contribution on loan or pay interest quite maybe.

5) How to get social housing - a varie or old housing

If a citizen it has own whichno housing, then he too maybe get apartment. BUT exactly, if house counts dilapidated, emergency.

AT mainly similar building demolish, a residents provided new apartments, which on indicators correct former housing conditions.

Advantage such method consists not only in quality, a and quantity. New flat must turn on minimum 18 squares on the one member.

6) How to get social housing - x ronic and other diseases

If a live with man, u whom heavy chronic disease, impossible, then to him it is supposed free housing. AT list such diseases enter heavy forms tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms, mental disorders, epilepsy and other.

Possibility buy social housing exists, but for this necessary observe scroll conditions. Them very a lot of, that's why necessary stand up huge patience.

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