How to get an absentee voting certificate

How to get an absentee voting certificate

In the Russian Federation, citizens mainly vote on registration or as they say now, at the place of registration. And what if you are not in the city, village, village, but do you want to give your voice to your candidate? Everything is very simple - take the abnormal certificate in the territorial (TIK) or precinct (PEC) election commission and vote on any polling station.

Where to get an absentee voting certificate

The absentee coupon can be taken in his native precinct commission. You do not know where it is? Inspar the neighbors on the entrance, all-in -out-and-living grandchildren who are walking with grandchildren on the playground - they certainly know that the inhabitants of your home will vote in what school or club. Doubt the information received? Then the Internet will come to the rescue.

  • Go to the site CEC RF . The tab with selective sections opens.
  • Click - find your polling station. Next - at the address of the residence - choose the address.
  • Look for your locality. Click - area, district, city, street, house. As a result, you will find the address, location, telephone site.

What you need to get a revealed certificate

In the district commission, where you will come with a passport for a disintegrating coupon, you will be offered to write a statement. In it, indicate the reasons why you will not be able to come to a vote - vacation, business trip, study, treatment in the sanatorium and the like. In the polling station will be filled and will give you an absentee coupon with printing and signature of the chairman of the site. Carefully check all the fields: loyalty to writing the name, initials, passport data.

IMPORTANT: Flap blanks are issued by TIC for a month and a half before the elections, district organizations in 19 days.

If necessary, the coupon can receive your guarantor with a certified power of attorney in hand.

How do I get an absentee ballot to vote - out of place information

  • You have a certificate, but stayed at home - have a right to vote on the site.

Important to know: the loss of a duplicate absentee ballot will be issued.

  • Do not pull with the registration certificate, his extradition will end on the last day before the election.
  • If you are sick - vote at home. To do this for a week before the vote, submit an application to the PEC on election day you will approach the members of the election commission with an urn into which you and lower your marked ballot.

All of us are given the opportunity to vote, regardless of the place of residence on election day. So get an absentee ballot, vote and your vote will be counted and civic duty fulfilled.

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