How to get a Far Eastern hectare

How to get a Far Eastern hectare

According to the program launched by the Government of the Russian Federation, since 2017, every citizen has the right to receive in free use of the land, in size in 1 hectare. Hectar is provided within the Far Eastern Federal District, with the aim of the accelerated development of this territory.

How to get a Far Eastern hectare?

The essence of the bill is simple - any registered citizen of Russia may apply for land in a few simple steps:

  • Register and make authorization in the website of the Federal Information System "on the Far East" through Single portal of public service (ESIA) . For this, the visitor will need a SNILS (insurance number), a telephone or key of an electronic digital signature to choose from.
  • When the input is made, go to the "Map" section, where you need to form the desired area. The land marked with gray is already busy or is not available for use of various legislative reasons.
  • After choosing a hectare, the service will ask to fill out an official statement, to confirm which it is necessary to provide a scanned document (identity card or other papers confirming authority).
  • For seven days, the application will be reviewed and returned to you with an official response.
  • If the answer is positive, the plot of land will be allocated for the designer, the term of use for 5 years. After the expiration of this time, hectare will need to be rented or acquired.
  • Next, it will be necessary to choose a way to sign a contract, which can be sent to the authorized body at the place of residence in paper or electronic form, within 30 days from the date of application.
  • If the type of activity was not specified in the contract, it is necessary to decide on one year and notify the authorities about their decision.
  • After three years, a citizen must draw up a declaration on the use of the land plot and provide it with a local branch.
  • When it takes five years, you will be able to draw up a document on obtaining this land in your property or place a rent for 49 years.

If the site issues an error or failure, the application for obtaining a hectare can be issued in person by learning the location of the receiving offices on the following phones.

How to get Far Eastern hectare - grounds for refusing

At the stage of registration of the request for the provision of "Far Eastern Hectare", a citizen may receive a refusal for one or several reasons.

  • inquisitive data on the applicant or land, there is no contact information;
  • the identity documents are not provided, the person is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, or there is no registration in the state;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe site exceeds 1 hectare., Or simultaneously requested to use another applicant (is considered with both persons in a particular case).

By eliminating these obstacles, the request can be served again. Any additional information is provided by professionals for free, by phone, 8 800 200 32 51, Telegram services: or viber: +7 977 8234 727.

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