How to prepare plastic windows by winter?

How to prepare plastic windows by winter?

Plastic windows are easy to maintain, reliably isolate the room from exposure to the outside. But even modern PVC designs need care. The low temperature period is an additional test for plastic windows.

Cleaning from pollution

In the warm season, the windows are quite often in the open position, so dust particles fall not only on the open surface surfaces, but also in hard-to-reach hollows and grooves. It is necessary to make a thorough cleaning of the window, using the sponge and detergent.

  • Wash the surface of the glasses on the side of the room and from the street.
  • Do not forget about the purity of the windowsill, low tide and profile - they should also be rid of pollution. Special attention is paid to drainage channels. They are located at the bottom of the frame and are a favorite dust destination.
  • To clean moving windows (rollers), use a tight and elastic bristle tassel. It will help remove not only dust and dirt, but also dried lubrication residues.
  • Mosquito net must also be washed and removed before the onset of heat - in winter there is no need for it, and the life of the grid will be longer.

Lubrication mechanisms

After all surfaces, grooves and mechanisms are cleaned, start lubricating all moving window design elements. In no case do not use vegetable or organic oils for these purposes. Over time, they tend to thunderstorm. And if dust and dirt are joined to this factor, the mechanism and can fail at all. Stop your choice on machine oil (mineral or synthetic) or silicone oil (for example, solidol).

Verifying the tightness of the window

The question of the tightness of the window depends largely on the quality of its sealing. To assess this component of the window structure, a sufficient visual inspection. If the gum does not have visible damage - cracks, dents, breaks - do not need to do anything. Sufficient cosmetic purification from pollution. But if you have discovered a violation of the integrity of rubber pads, they must be replaced.

Do not save and acquire compactors of dubious manufacturers. Economy price is a low degree of sealing and rapid wear of the part. Replace gum can be independently. However, if you do not have sufficient knowledge and skill, it is better to trust this procedure to professionals.

Adjusting mechanisms

The setup of mechanisms affects not only the comfort of using the window, but also on the degree of pressed frame, as well as the wear of the rubber seal. In the summer, the need for a dense fit of the sash to the frame is absent, and the seal is not worn so much. In the winter period, such microbes can cause drafts. Adjust the conspiration degree allowing the troughs that are located on the opening sash. Use the hex key (or screwdriver) and set the mechanism. The manipulation is simple, but requires caution, because Non-accurate actions can damage the mechanism or seal.

Warming windows

The final stage is the insulation of window structures. This step is optional if the windows are well preserved heat. In cases where, due to the physical wear of the windows, they began to "hold" heat, they can be inspired. The easiest and efficient (although not cheap) is the use of a special film. Taking into account climatic features, it is better to stay on a frost-resistant model.

The film can be stuck both on the inside of the room and from the street. The insulation film is needed to pull on the entire surface of the frame and fasten along the edges. The process of insulation is simple, but painstaking - try to avoid both sagging (folds) and excessive tension of the material.

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