How to distinguish real honey

How to distinguish real honey

The benefits of honey know everything. This unique product is widely used in cooking around the world, medicine, cosmetics. Honey is allowed to use, even for diabetes patients. And many traditional healers claim that the sweet product will help to get rid of hundreds of dangerous, chronic diseases. But unfortunately, many sellers go to the deception and instead of honey, selling counterfeit product. In this article you will find tips on how to distinguish real honey for just a few minutes.

How dangerous fake honey?

If you bought a jar of sweet honey, do not rush to use it. Especially, it concerns people who have purchased the product for the treatment. Adulterated honey can aggravate health conditions and cause the development of diseases. On the shelves of supermarkets are built beautiful, colorful jars of honey. Some of them are with the addition of dyes, flavor enhancers, fruit flavors, etc. But as the Independent verification of Bioengineering Laboratory, almost 70% of the product consists of a sugar syrup and synthetic additives. Such honey is prohibited to use, because it can cause:

  • allergic reaction, including skin rash;
  • the development of diabetes (with a large amount of consumption of synthetic honey);
  • diathesis, caries;
  • obesity;
  • increase blood glucose;
  • rapid aging of the skin (when used as a cosmetic masks);
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poisoning (including vomiting and fever);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

We recognize honey Variety

Specific differences for all varieties of sweet product no. For each individual it. We will look at popular types and explain what they are typical.

  • buckwheat honey has a pronounced shade of brown, the smell is not sharp, but weighty significant, with bitterness, natural sweetness should show through the sun;
  • linden honey has a deep amber tint, the aroma of sweets slightly catch;
  • medium of pollen is characteristic of transparency and a pale yellow tint, the smell of fresh honey to have barely catchy flaw flavors of wildflowers;
  • akacia Honey is the only natural sweetness that can be turbid and not shun away, has a rich yellow color.

If you do not feel the fragrance at all, it means that sugar added to the product before selling. It completely absorbs the characteristic smell of honey. The seller who offers medical absolutely transparent color is deceiving you. Such a shade means that bees have no natural nectar, but synthesized sugar syrup.

I distinguish honey by type

This variant of the product sample can be used at honey fairs. Books offer the buyer a variety of natural sweets. Often they are shy and sell last year's product, molding candied honey on a water bath. It can easily be distinguished by translucent the jar with sunlight, if honey is muddy, then it has undergone heat treatment. Such a product completely loses its useful properties. Before buying, be sure to spend some uncomplicated manipulations to make sure the naturalness of the goods.

  • take a small amount of Salty in a spoon and lift 10-15 cm at a height.
  • sing one drop of honey with fingers, it must fully absorb, leaving barely noticeable sticky trail. Natural product roll in a small romeary will not work;
  • type a full spoonful of honey, you must feel its weight (natural honey itself is very heavy);
  • stacking from a spoon, the product must form a "turret", which slowly breaks down.

Test honey at home

After spending some simple experiments in the kitchen, you can check the naturalness of sweetness.

  • 1 Method - Take a blank sheet of paper and drop a little honey on it to formed a small circle. Google paper and watch what is happening. Natural honey will never burn, the site where you drunk sweetness will remain untouched fire;
  • 2 Method - In a small amount of water room temperature, dissolve 1 tsp. Honey, add 1 drop of iodine, the liquid should become a brown shade (if the water has become blue, it means that synthetic substances, starch or flour for dense consistency have been added to honey).

Now you know what should be real honey and you can easily distinguish the fake.


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