When once, using the Yandex search engine, you can not find the desired site, most likely the problem is precisely in the search engine filtering. Try to check exactly what filter you have. To do this, follow the simple instructions and this article.
Go to the main page of the Yandex search engine.
In the upper right corner you need to find the "Settings" field. It is located next to the Options of Yandex Mail.
Click on the button found and in the drop-down window, select the "Other Settings" string. Singlely press it with the left mouse button.
You will fall in the settings menu and the OPEEK search engine options. Make sure that the red slider is on the word "search" at the very top of the page. Lower the page down until you see the search results section. Click on this link.
In the main section "Setting the search results" in the menu that appears, find the "search area" subsection, which is in the right column. In it, you will see the "Page Filtering" string.
If your filter is really family, switch it to the "moderate filter" position or "without restrictions".
Now save your settings, dropping at the bottom of the page and clicking "Save and return to the search."
Now your settings updated and search results in Yandex will change. It is important to understand the difference between the types of filter.
The family filter completely eliminates the results of obscene vocabulary, pictures, videos, as well as other materials. Before the ban will be the whole content for adults.
Moderate search hides obscene results, as well as materials for adults, excluding those cases when your search query is aimed at them.
The parameter "Without limit" removes absolutely all prohibitions for the search.
Now you know how to easily change the type of filtering in the Yandex search engine.
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