How to trim the proper pear

How to trim the proper pear

To get a rich harvest from a pear, you need to carefully care for this tree, including regular trimming. Let's figure out today as such a process is to correctly produce when to do it, and why the trimming is generally needed.

Nuances trimming pears

Pears are such fruits that can be used and consumed in various form (in cheese, in the form of a beverage, marmalade, closed form, etc.). It is clear, the better you will care for the fruit tree, the larrter on it will be fruit and the richer will be a crop.

For those who do not know, the process of trimming can be made at different times of the year, both in winter and in the summer, you just need to know how to cut a pear at a certain season of the year. In each period there are its own characteristics that the adjacent gardener should know about.

The main purpose of the pruning is:

  • increase fruiting
  • achieve high quality fruits on the tree
  • regulate the development of wood and all of its parts
  • make the coverage of the crown better

It is for this that it is necessary to remove all branches that have become dry, and also get rid of parallel from the sick and broken branches.

Thanks to high-quality trimming, you can grow up the tree you need, who will have a solid trunk, on which there will be a large number of fruits without any problems.

Immediately I want to say that the method and nuances of trimming will depend on the variety of pears, so this factor is also worth considering.

As for the spring trimming, it must be made after the frosts have already ended, but at the same time, the growing season should not begin. You need to catch this moment and it is then to cut a pear.

Crimping process

So, if you decide to trigger in the spring, you need to know some rules:

  • To carry out the trimming, you will need a secret, and the blade should be very sharp, so that there are no difficulties in the process.
  • If the tree is large, then it is better to use the hacksaw.
  • After you graduate, all the devices you enjoyed in the process will need to be disinfected. To do this, use alcohol-containing compositions.
  • First, teturns to play the crown so that the air and light flow to all parts of the tree.
  • It will also be necessary to take care of the shortening of the central barrel (it is necessary to cut into ¼). Such a procedure will provide an opportunity to form a cup-shaped crown on a tree.
  • This procedure should be carried out at a certain temperature mode so that the air temperature is more than 5 ° C.

  • Do not forget that the places where the cut was made will need to be treated with special compositions. Excellent for these purposes are suitable - Garden Var, Olife, or "Ranner".

You can pruning several methods - shortening branches or cuts on the ring.

Making branches shorter, you contribute to the acceleration of the growth of shoots that grow in the side.

If it is a cut on the ring, then you need to cut a branch at its base. But here, too, have its own nuances, the main of which make the cut so that the bark does not get out.

Do not forget that not all branches grow horizontally, so the gardener must take care of the vertical branches as small as possible.

The branches whose direction is "down" should also be removed, because their productivity is at times less than the remaining branches.

Use nitrogen fertilizers during trimming trees is not recommended, because during this period the plant takes all nutrient-type substances from the ground.

If you trigge the pear correctly, the next season is touched by sections, the tree will be healthy, and therefore it will be fruiting it in operational mode.

Pruning pears in summer

As mentioned earlier, trim the pear mono and in the summer, only the process of conducting this procedure will be slightly different:

  • Here we are talking about the seign, that is, it will be necessary to get rid of the shoots that have grown on the painshche of wood.
  • It is necessary to do this process with your hands, if you need to remove most of the branch, you need to use the secateur.
  • To carry out such a procedure, a lot of time is given, so there is nowhere to hurry here.
  • Depending on how and when to pursue such a procedure, the tree reaction will be different:
  • In June, he conducted a pinch, fast-growing shoots delay in its development. Thus, you will give the opportunity to gain strengthened shoots.

You can also carry out such a process in the period when the growth of shoots has already stopped. This contributes to the best development of stubby kidneys.

Rules trimming

Cutting the branches in the fall, you need to remember:

  • No need to cut wood overly. Because after that, it immediately all his strength on the recovery process, and will begin to quickly grow vertical branches, and during the couple of years they will become longer than all other branches.
  • It is better to carry out the process of trimming in several stages - one part of the branches to remove into one autumn, the other part is the next fall.
  • In the autumn period, the procedure must be carried out at temperatures above 0 0.
  • First, gets rid of branches that grow at an angle of 90 from the main, central trunk.
  • You need to remove branches with mind, you do not need to leave a lot of hemp on the tree.

If the branch is more than 3 cm thick, then it is necessary to cut it as follows - for starters, it takes it from below, and only then from above.

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