What is the name of the sister's husband

What is the name of the sister's husband

Who are the father -in -law and mother -in -law, everything is known to Svekr and mother -in -law. Difficulties begin when it is necessary to recall the term denoting other relatives from both spouses. Even people of advanced age will not always be correctly called, as the sister’s husband is called.

Kinship is a property

In everyday communication of people associated with blood kinship with one of the spouses, it is customary to be called simply relatives from the husband or wife. Meanwhile, such relationships have a specific definition - property. In Russian, each relative corresponds to a certain name. For example, the father -in -law is a husband’s father, Shurin is a wife’s brother. The origin of these words is associated with the desire of a person to indicate the degree of kinship, as well as the place and position in the family of a new relative.

Daughter or sisters

In the Russian language of her husband, sisters are called the same as her daughter’s husband - son -in -law. The word dates back to the ancient Indian jöātíṣ and \u200b\u200bmeans a relative, which indicates an equating son -in -law not just with a native person, but a relative by blood. Interestingly, a man in relation to his wife’s family will also be a son -in -law for her nephews, brothers, grandparents.

Son -in -law or my brother -in -law?

The difficulty with the search for the correct name of the sister’s husband shows that usually the terminology itself is not difficult, but the need for its correct application. So, the most common confusion is a couple of son-in-law. If everything is clear with the son -in -law, then who is called a hand, since this word also means a husband of a sister? Boil is the husband of his own martyr, the sisters of his wife. Men married to their sisters come to each other with shoes. Sometimes only the husband of the older sister is called a hand. Interestingly, in the Soviet musical fairy-tale film “Do not leave” the heroine of Plesitil calls the husband of his sister-Korolev’s sister, while in fact King Theodor's son-in-law has a son-in-law.

Sisters's husband in other languages

In other languages, the husband of the sister, as well as the characteristics of the male - the wife of the wife, the brother of her husband, the husband of their own martyr - are most often indicated by one collective term:

  • In English-Brohter-In-Law. Literally means a brother by law.
  • French-Beau-Frere, means a maid, son-in-law, my brother-in-law.
  • German - Schwáger.
  • Italian - Cognato.
  • Ukrainian and Belarusian - son -in -law and son -in -law, respectively.

Some nationality still clearly distinguishes between subsystems of properties. Therefore, each new relative in this subsystem has its own name:

  • In the Tatar language of the husband, the older sister is called җni. The husband of the younger sister, as well as her daughter’s husband, is Kiya.
  • Wand is the husband of the older sister in Kazakh.

The update and increase in the composition of the family entails the construction of new relationships. What they will be more dependent on mutual respect and in a lesser extent - on true terminology.

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