How to learn to ride a bike

How to learn to ride a bike

Bicycle ride is one of those few classes whose success depends solely on practice. The training of this skill does not require weeks or months of persistent workouts - if you correctly approach this issue, then you will be enough for just a few hours. At the time of learning it is best to wear a protective helmet, elbow and gloves. Ready? Go!

For learning, however, as for everyday ride, use a technically sound, light bike that you can purchase or borrow from acquaintances. The playground for lessons should be smooth, without crystrine and pit. The main key of success is a qualitatively adjusted bike. Take the seat in such a way that, sitting on it, your foot is almost completely inflicted at the moment when the pedal will be at the bottom point. Slide the brake system - study the ways to activate it (if the bike is equipped with both manual brakes - find out which lever is responsible for the front, and what kind of rear wheel) and the power of braking. During training, use only the rear brake - the inept use of the front brake can lead to loss of control and fall. Having understood with the height of the saddle and the brakes - adjust the steering wheel. During the ride, you should be comfortable, the back should not fall, and the hands are unnecessary to strain due to the uncomfortable position of the body. As a rule, the adjustment angle is indicated on the steering column, it will take a screwdriver or a special key to adjust it.

After tuning the bike, go to the exhaustion of the feeling of equilibrium and balance. To do this, sit on the bike, put one foot on the pedal, another foot, push off the ground. Try to drive as much distance as possible without making any effort to pedals. It is better to spend this exercise on a small slope. During the ride, test the brakes in action - this will allow you to accurately recognize their strength and avoid too sharp braking in the future. During the movement, look at the road, you should not tremble the pedals or your own legs.

After mastering the balance and study of the behavior of control and braking elements during the ride, you can start moving with pedals. Sit on the bike, you should not panic and strain - you will succeed. Equally distribute the mass of your body across all points of the support - saddle, pedals and steering wheel. Put the foot on the pedal, which is above and smoothly, but strongly, press it on it. At the same time, push out the second foot. Having started moving, put the second leg on the pedal and start slowly turning them. If you managed to get just a couple of meters - do not be discouraged, there is nothing crazy. The next time you will pass further, and then even further, and so it will continue until you completely eliminate ride in a straight line.

Having learned to ride in a straight line, go to the workshop of turns. Drown in turn should not be very twisted with the steering wheel - this will lead to a sharp change in the trajectory and an inevitable drop. You can turn on the bike in two ways: with the help of the steering wheel and hands or with the help of the body tilt. The first way is suitable for low speeds, the second is appropriate with significant acceleration. First learn how to turn in low speed and only after that go to the development of high-speed turns.

For teaching the child, three-wheeled bikes are perfect - they are stable and safe. And after receiving the basic experience and driving skills, to transfer from such a bicycle to an ordinary child will be much easier than to start studying from a clean sheet.

Applying these knowledge, you will easily master the ride by bike without much difficulty. And remember - too much speed requires experience, slow motion - it makes it difficult for the process, try to move an average high-speed mode, and you will succeed!

Comments leave a comment
Katerina 03/28/2016 at 20:51

The adult itself is difficult to learn how to ride a bike, scary that you will fall, it is not clear whether everything is done right.


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