How to set up radio on the radio

How to set up radio on the radio

So we do in the car if not the radio? Music novelties, weather forecast, advertising and political news - all this is transmitted by whole days without a break. It remains only to adjust the radio stations in the radio.

To begin with, connect a good antenna to the radio. It can be intra-alpha or outer, for adhesive attachment or telescopic, most importantly - so that it worked in the range of AM / FM radio signals.

Now with the help of the remote or buttons on the device itself, adjust the radio station. Switching the frequency of the range occurs when the button is pressed up or down. You can print a list of channels from the Internet and enter them in the radio manually. It will be easier to use automatic search in all stations, and the channels will be configured themselves. The corresponding function is on all modern radio tape recorders. Pressing the "Autopoyscript" button leads to an automatic switching of frequencies, and when you find a clear signal, the station is clogged into the memory of the radio receiver.

Specify the numbers in the most likely radio channels and program them on certain buttons. To do this, select your preferred range, press the button with the number by holding it for a few seconds. The station will be assigned its number corresponding to the number on the button. Then by pressing the button with the digit you can enable your favorite radio station.

Setting the radio in the car is an easy task that can be performed even on the go. Riding under the voices of the host helps the driver do not miss and do not fall asleep behind the wheel, but good songs and pleasant news raise the mood to everyone in the cabin.

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