How to set up a novice guitar

How to set up a novice guitar

When you are just a newcomer in a guitar musication, then you are still unavailable. You can not hear all the subtleties of each note and adjust everything exactly to the halftone. But there are many other ways to customize the system of your guitar and without a developed hearing. We will talk about each of them separately in this article.

How to set up a guitar using online hearing programs

For this item you will need at least the initial level of hearing. The essence is to listen to a note in the online tuner and try to reproduce it on your guitar. So, go to any online tuner, for example, to the site:

  • Scroll down the site, you will see several rows with media files.
  • Click on the green playback sign to listen to how the string sounds.
  • Now take the guitar in your hands and, smoothly moving the slices is stronger or weaker, start adjusting the sound.
  • Try to play immediately after the recording sound to clearly hear the difference in the notes.

The first time it will be difficult for you, the process can take a lot of time, but it will not only allow you to customize your guitar, but also trains the rumor, which is very important when playing a guitar, especially a novice.

How to set up a guitar using an online tuner

For example, we can take the same site as used in the first paragraph. The method is somewhat different. You need to take your microphone and bring to the guitar or if it is an electric guitar, you can connect it through the adapter directly to the computer. Take the microphone or connect the guitar and go to the site.

  • Click on the Central Window "Allow" near the green icon.

  • Wait until the tuner is loaded.

  • As soon as you start making the sounds of a guitar, the tuner strips will start filled with yellow. If the strip is filled to the right - you need to loosen the flake, if left - on the contrary, pull. As soon as you get exactly in a note - the string is configured.

Do not forget about the usual strict guitar, usually beginners do not use raised or lowered construction, so these notes should be a mantra for you:

  • 1st string - E (mi) bottom string.
  • 2th string - b (s).
  • 3th string - G (salt).
  • 4th string - D (re).
  • 5th string - a (la).
  • 6th string - e (mi) upper strings, the fattest one.

How to configure the guitar on the charter

Tambleton is a special tool that helps to reproduce only one note - la. For this method, you also need a rumor, but at the initial level, many have enough knowledge to appreciate this sound and remember it. So, heal the 5th way on the first, thinner string. Now lean the Camerton to the guitar deck so that the plug watches from her. Pour a sound until it becomes to sound in unison.

Now that the first string is configured, clamp the second string on the Fifth Lada. It should sound in unison with an open first string. Continue to remove the sound until you set it up with the neck exactly, as the first.

After you configured the second and first strings, hold the third string on the fourth Lada. It should sound like an open second string. Configure by analogy with the previous paragraph.

The fifth string can be customized by closing it on the fifth Lada and adjust the open fourth.

The sixth, the thick bass string is configured in the same way: you pushed it on the fifth Lada and set up an open fifth, they should sound identical.

After these uncomplicated manipulations, your guitar will be completely rebuilt. A few times later, you can customize the guitar completely on the rumor just in a couple of minutes. For more convenience, you can purchase a tuner. This is a small tool that fits in the hand. You can connect the cord from the electric guitar or an electro-acoustic guitar. With an acoustic guitar, everything is easier: just bring the tuner to her and he will show you a note. The setting on it occurs in the same way as in the second point, just a tuner you hold the physical, and not online program.

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