How beautiful to put tulips

How beautiful to put tulips

Spring tulips look very beautifully on the beds, even planted with rows or between other plants. But if you want your primroses to look especially luxurious, put them unusual. In this article, we will look at several examples of the original landing of tulips and tell about some of the hectares of their placement in the ground.

How to put the tulips to put the flower beds always beautiful

If you are already growing tulips on your garden plot or under the balcony, you probably know about the problem of dry leaves. The agrotechnology of growing onion is envisaged that it is necessary to dig them from the ground after complete withering and drying the leaves. Immediately after flowering, digging tulips is not recommended - the bulbs still need time to ripen in the ground. It turns out that after the rain flowering flowering, the garden still looks not very neat, because the tulips leaves dry it.

  • So that dry leaves do not spoil the picture of the whole garden, tulips and all other bulbous land in special plastic containers-baskets. They are of different shapes and sizes and the choice of them depends on where and in what order you want to plant tulips.
  • After the tulips planted in the containers are wondering, you can very carefully, without damaging the earth, dig a container with bulbs and bury them into a secluded place where the fading leaves will not spoil the picture of the site.
  • The transplantation along with a room will absolutely won't hurt the bulbs and they calmly mature.
  • Lukovichny containers are absolutely not expensive, but you can build them and independently of large plastic bottles. Examples of using bottles for planting tulips, see the video, which is located at the very end of this article.
  • Before planting tulips, draw the scheme of their placement on the sheet of paper. Do not forget to calculate the number of bulbs that you need for a particular composition.

How beautiful to put tulips so that the flower beds look unusual and original

Big color spots

Flower flower beds look very beautiful, on which the flowers are planted with large groups. Choose tulips of different varieties and colors and put them with large groups that are closed with each other. Tulips varieties Choose one color of the flowering and the same height.

Below you see an example of a large group of tulips made up of plants of one color range, but of different shape and color.

Winding track

Perfectly and very unusually knead a kind of flower path. Tulips in such a flower sit down one variety and be sure to let them off the flowers of contrasting color. Small flowers are better to fit those that will bloom the whole summer. On the place of the tulips, then you can land any other flowers and a track of you will delight the whole season.

But the same path, but compiled only from some tulips, contrasting color.

Round flower beds

Standard round flower beds with tulips may look very original if there are low multi-colored daisies between high monophonic colors or low-colored daisies.

And this round flower bed looks completely charming due to the fact that botanical tulips grow on it. The so-called botanical varieties look stronger due to their small height and powerful flowers. You can dilute the overall compact picture by several high blooming plants. In this case, is a ripper ordinary. In color, it can coincide with the color of the tulips or be the opposite shade.

Another example of round flower beds with tulips, which simultaneously serves as a fence for a tree.

In various containers

Flowering tulips in ceramic pots for domestic flowers will decorate the entrance to your home.

Large containers with blooming bulbous wonderfully look along the garden tracks. They are also distributed throughout the garden.

These tulips in wooden boxes will decorate and your plot, and will look great on the veranda or in the patio.

But an example of using a completely unusual subject to land in it tulips. In this case, this is an old wooden boat. In the same way, you can use wicker baskets, baboids of iron, buckets or barrels. Old items must be painted or treated with oil.

We hope that our ideas about beautiful clubs from the tulips will be useful to you. And now promised video about baskets for bulbous.

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