What is linguistics?

What is linguistics?

Most people know exactly what the science of lingopology is doing. But answer the question what linguistics is, answer it difficult. In fact, linguistics are linguistic, science, which studies all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world, including the "dead" languages.

Linguisty object

Linguistics belongs to the section of humanitarian sciences. A person who studies languages \u200b\u200bis called a linguist (in an outdated form - tongue). Science of languages \u200b\u200bhas tremendous popularity in European countries. These linguistics objects include:

  • the facts of speech (Linguist communicates, studies a speech or a dialect, using the knowledge of the native speaker, the object of study can be both the common language and the language of the specific people or tribe);
  • language material (used in the case of studying the "dead" language, the object of study may be the chronicles, ancient manuscripts).

Sections of science

Language studies is one of the few humanitarian sciences, which includes more than a dozen sections and subsections. Each section is engaged in specific language studies.

  • theoretical linguistics (the section is engaged in learning a language, linguists put forward personal language theories, draw conclusions, as correctly and how to speak in a particular language, find the similarity of the language with all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world);
  • applied linguistics (linguists develop language learning techniques, terminology, study vocabulary and dialects, correctness of spelling, decrypting, etc.);
  • practical linguistics (lingules call this section "Laboratory", since it is practical linguistics that checks and refutes the assumptions of theoretical linguistics, how correct and the data of applied linguistics are necessary).

Subsections linguistics

The main sections of the linguistic, which are described above have subsections. But in science, they are considered as a separate sphere that deserves a long and thorough study.

  • empirical linguistics (includes communication with a native speaker, but the linguist of this language does not know, it makes the conclusions, based on personal conclusions, after the heard dialect, most often the scientist records the voice of the native speaker on the voice recorder to listen to him several times and not mistaken in his inputs);
  • single-band linguistics (study of a specific language, also the object of study becomes languages \u200b\u200bthat were formed from the studied language; the group of research includes their comparisons and differences, the history of the emergence and development of language);
  • comparative linguistics (subsection that is engaged in comparing languages, similarization of writing and pronunciation of words of the same value, comparing the modern language with "dead" talking);
  • external linguistics (subsection includes the study of the modern language, including slang, jargon, history of their origin and initial meaning);
  • statistical linguistics (studies the statistics of a specific language, its condition, the ability of different people to speak in this language, after communication with the carrier of the dialect, as well as the language of the InnoTrans);
  • dynamic linguistics (linguists who are engaged in dynamics can predict the development or extinction of a particular language, follow its condition as a whole).

Also in each subsection there are some more "branches" of linguistics. Some linguistic scientists are engaged in a separate area, which they have identified and developed personally.

Is it worth studying a linguist?

After the successful graduation, the teenager needs to think about the choice of a profession, which should bring not only material benefits, but also pleasure from work. This criteria include the profession of linguist. After all, the process of studying this area of \u200b\u200bscience makes it possible:

  • a large selection of profession in the future (from the translator to the diplomat);
  • knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bat the highest level (graduate linguist comes out with a big "knowledge bag" knowledge);
  • excellent brain training (scientists have proven that philologists and linguists are not included in the risk group of people suffering from mental diseases);
  • the possibility of passing practice abroad, communication with carriers of foreign languages.

Linguistics are engaged long ago. But the secrets of ancient languages \u200b\u200bare not fully disclosed at the present time.

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