What to put in the well when landing?

What to put in the well when landing?

Engineering - an occupation is not simple, because in any other business there is a lot of nuances, rules, exceptions, etc. Let's figure it out today in the following question - what should be put in the well when landing different cultures?

Potato - voracious culture

For those who are not yet aware, a potato root system is a "devastant" of the soil, because it is capable of picking up all sorts of useful components from the soil, so after cleaning the culture under consideration, it can be concluded that the soil becomes simply empty.

The next landing in this land will be meaningless and inappropriate, because you can not expect a good harvest here. But you should not despair. Because there are a lot of the secrets of the "enrichment" of the soil after harvesting the potatoes and the most common of them is the fertilizer of the soil.

It is best to put the fertilizer in the hole in the immediate landing of the culture under consideration, because, thus, we will help culture to grow strong and healthy, and also provide it with all the components you need for it, which means that the earth will not be too "squeezed."

Gardeners convince that the feeding and fertilizer during the growing season is useless, and the optimal option is the subcortex of culture during its landing. An important meaning also has a soil selection for planting. It is worth remembering that it should be loose and soft, while not too wet and clay. But sometimes it happens that it is not possible to choose a place and the ground for planting potatoes, because it is necessary to carry out this process where there is a place. In this case, the correct feeding when landing is a major factor that can directly affect the harvest.

Fertilizer in Lunke

Since potatoes, in contrast to other cultures, various substances are intensively taken from the soil, and in large quantities, it needs additional feeding. Do not wait for a good harvest, if you do not restore the desired soil and do not give the right amount of nutrients potatoes.

So, remember, an important rule - each potato bush is mandatory for proper and powerful development should receive the following fertilizers:

  • Nitrogen - 45 g
  • Phosphorus - 25g
  • Potassium - 95 g

This composition is considered minimal, but it is also worth remembering that adding these fertilizers to the hole, most of them will be absorbed by the soil, and therefore the number of fertilizers should be increased at least one and a half times.

Before you begin to put the fertilizer in the well, you must choose it correctly. It is necessary that the selected fertilizer is primarily effective. If we consider the entire existing, so to speak, the range, then the organic fertilizers of the "complex" structure are leaders in this relay. The same opinion and experienced gardeners.

Mineral type feeding is also considered a good fertilizer, it is often used in the economy. As for nitrogen fertilizers, it is necessary to know the exact proportions and be extremely prominent with them, because an excessive amount of such fertilizer in the hole, and the bush will grow like a crazy, but the tubers will be quite small.

The optimal option according to experts is the correct, proportional combination of ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate.

Other cultures and fertilizers for them

No wonder the experienced gardens alternate every year the location of various cultures. They perfectly understand that 2 times in a row corn in the same place, it is strictly prohibited, because after that, the earth will not fertility for a couple more years. A similar situation occurs with other vegetable crops.

Tomatoes are not too whimsical, but they are also needed to put the fertilizer, which is best put straight into the well when landing. So, you can first feel either all the plantation. Or do it with every hole in which the tomato will be planted. If you decide to do it with each well, detailed instructions to your help:

  • Made a hole, hung up a humus and sawdust (in small quantity)
  • All this was well mixed with soil
  • After that, we plant tomato seedlings and sprinkle the earth

Everything is simple enough, but it is worth considering the number of wells that you need to feel. Many choose the fertilizer of the entire plantation, where tomatoes will be planted.

As for cucumbers, here the answer is very simple - the cucumbers need Karia, this particular component makes them healthy and tasty. It should also be noted that Kali will enter the culture only if you contribute such a fertilizer into a wet soil, so:

  • Making Lunka
  • Pretty watering her
  • Put a potash fertilizer there
  • Sits culture

It does not mean that during the growth of culture it will not need to fertilize, so keep in mind that this is not the last feeding of culture before harvesting.

Put the fertilizer directly in front of the landing the culture listed above is one of the ways to get a great harvest. But here it is also worth remembering that an excessive amount of fertilizer can also negatively affect any culture, like their absence, so in everything and everywhere you need to find a golden middle. Among other things, the first feeding in the hole will not be the last, because during the heyday of any culture, it will never need additional feeding.

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