What to do if a computer hangs

What to do if a computer hangs

During the operation of the computer, the problem of its freezes may occur. This may be caused by a number of completely different reasons that need to be addressed immediately. What should be taken in this case and how to fix the problem with the computer - this is about this.

In the event of a computer hang, during the workflow, you should use the Windows Task Manager utility. To start it, press the Ctrl + Alt + Del keyboard keyboard combination and hold before the pop-up window appears in which you find an unventing task in the application "Applications" and remove it from work.

In the Processes tab, the tasks manager can be checked for which some of the programs require a large number of RAM, which contributes to the braking of other applications. Closing them, you can increase the performance of the entire PC.

If the previous actions did not help unitely eliminate the reason for the hang of your car, restart the operating system using the "Start" - "Output" - "Restart" or press the "Reset" button on the system unit. When the computer does not even respond to these steps, turn it off with the "On / Off" button.

The next step is to check the system for the presence of viruses that may become the main cause of "peetering" PC. Spend deep antivirus check and unable to remove or restore the files damaged by the virus as described in this article. At the same time, use licensed programs that you can download only on official sites; You can read more about anti-virus check here.

Another reason for the hang of your car can serve the contamination of its contents. All dirt accumulates on the components of the system unit, especially on the fan. Accumulated dust leads to a violation of heat exchange and an increase in the temperature of the central processor, which is reflected in the speed of the computer. Before cleaning it is worth checking the temperature using the special EVEREST program, which displays information about all components. If the temperature is higher than the manufacturer of the range, immediately proceed to clean the cooler.

It is also necessary to clean the "insides" of its car. Due to the lack of space on a disk with RAM, there may be a hang of some or even all the processes of the computer. Spend system cleaning OS from unnecessary programs, documents and files. This process is discussed in detail in article. Do not forget to clean the "Basket" folder from the "garbage".

The most radical solution to the problem of freezing is to reinstall the OS. This is relevant if you can not remove viruses. Independently install the Windows system is completely simple, follow the instructions in article.

Now you are independently able to save your personal computer from hated hang. Over time, computer components lose relevance and are not suitable for new programs, so try to upgrade your PC if possible.

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