How to choose a monitor for a computer

How to choose a monitor for a computer

When buying a monitor for a computer, it becomes necessary to solve many questions: manufacturer, diagonal, price category, individual characteristics, design, etc. To purchase the best quality goods at a reasonable price, you need to know some points.

First, we are determined with the tasks that will be solved using the monitor: office work, watching movies and internet, computer games, design and design, work with graphics in 2D and 3D is just the most common tasks, the presence or absence of which fundamentally change the characteristics Monitor and often allow money to save money.

The monitor matrix type is, expressing in a simple language, the technology with which the monitor screen is made is the most important characteristic. There are types of matrices such as TN, IPS, PVA-MVA-VA, PLS. Consider the most common:

  • TN is the type of matrix, the main advantage of which is the reaction rate (image shift) and low cost. Disadvantages are very small viewing angles, in which colors are distorted, as well as a solid color rendition. Scope of monitor - Office work, Internet, games. View the film from the remote distance and at an angle will not bring pleasure.
  • IPS - type of matrix with a wide viewing angle up to 90 ° and high-quality color reproduction. Of the minuses - sufficiently mediocre matrix reaction time and high price. Application is the same tasks as TN, plus multimedia functions, as well as work related to graphics.

Monitor diagonal. In this case, everything is simple - the more diagonal, the greater the monitor itself, and the more the window into the world of the computer, the Internet, the world of films. However, the greater the diagonal, the greater the cost of the monitor and the working permission.

The monitor operating resolution is a parameter that means the number of transmitting the image of the horizontal points and the monitor vertical. The more this value - the better the picture will be. But if the basic tasks include a greater load on the video card, provided that the video card is not installed from the last models, then, for example, it is better to purchase a monitor 22 "with a resolution of 1600 * 900 than from 1920 * 1080, since the low-end resolution of the game will go Better and better quality. To work in the office, with the Internet or graphics is better than the maximum resolution.

In the context of tough competition of manufacturers of monitors and high achievements of technologies on the production of goods, you should pay attention only on the basis of personal preferences if you want to support a specific manufacturer in your purchase.

Brightness, contrast, the viewing angle belong to the type of matrix, so these characteristics will be practically identical to monitors with one type of matrix. And if they are very different, then it is a clean marketing that needs to pay attention to the last.

Main connectors on monitors - VGA, DVI, HDMI, occasionally Display Port. VGA is an analog connector, while the digital video card signal is converted into analogue and is transmitted to the monitor. Disadvantages are possible distortions from all kinds of interference characteristic of an analog signal. Advantages - Monitors with the presence of only the VGA connector are the cheapest. DVI, HDMI, Display Port - digital connectors for more reliable video transmission. When choosing connectors, you need to take into account what connectors the equipment to which the monitor will be connected. Existing adapters allow you to receive from DVI connector VGA and HDMI.

Connectors - VGA-DVI-for-Monitors-Adapters

With the knowledge of the basic parameters of monitors, the choice of goods becomes easier and eliminates communication with not always competent consultants in the store.

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