How to configure the steering wheel on the computer

How to configure the steering wheel on the computer

Setting the play steering wheel on the computer includes installation, calibration, checking and editing. Missing any item is undesirable if you want to get the maximum pleasure from the game. Consider all the steps in order.

Installation.In other words, installing equipment. Usually, the gaming devices are connected to the USB port and support automatic installation. After each installed driver, alert appears in the tray. When the device is fully recognized, the computer will notify about the successful completion of the process and will be offered to start calibration. Installation of the steering wheel, pedals and joysticks are similar to the usual USB mouse and keyboard connection.

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If for some reason the equipment was not identified, then install the drivers. You can download them from the official site of the manufacturer of the game product or from the disk that is invested in the steering wheel. The success of the operation is 95%. If this method did not help, then perform the installation manually. Call "Device Manager" through the Start menu and the Control Panel button. Next, select the category "Equipment and Sound" or immediately click "View devices and printers".

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The new window lists all the devices that are connected to this computer, there must be a steering wheel. If this did not turn out, then click the "Add Device" button and wait for unidentified equipment. Click on the icon with the game device and follow the installation instructions.

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Calibration.Or optimizing the steering wheel under your requirements. It happens similarly to setting up a mouse where you want to set the cursor speed. The power of pressing the pedals, the axis of rotation, the test of all buttons and levers is performed. To start the setup, enter the joy.cpl command in the "Run ..." window, which is called "Win + R" keys or through "Start", "Standard", "Run". Select the steering wheel and click the "Properties" key. In a new window there will be four tabs, in three of which you need to make the steering wheel settings.

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Check and edit. At this point, everything is simple. You open the game, for example, "Need for Speed" and leafing the control settings. In addition to the usual keyboard, setting the steering wheel, and go there. Note that when you first connect the steering wheel and pedals, the control in the game is set automatically and often does not correspond to the user's desire, so reassign all the buttons, especially the "gas" and "brake", turns to the left and "right". Save the parameters and start the race. Everything works fine? You are a big well done and set up the steering wheel on the computer correctly. If not, do not despair, go back the calibration procedure and carefully examine the control menu in the game. Use Google or YouTube to search for information on installing specifically your steering model under a specific game.

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Before buying a steering wheel and pedals, make sure that the game is compatible with the device to avoid troubles in the future. And to extend the life of the game device, we advise not to allow wires of wires, pulling out of the USB port, the steering drops and the pouring of the liquid to the equipment.

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