DIY coffee -cutting crafts

DIY coffee -cutting crafts

Coffee is one of the most popular and favorite drinks on the planet. He invigorates, captivates, raises his mood, brings together. Is there something more wonderful than a captivating loop of a fragrant drink, which is an integral part of the lives of most people.

To preserve fragrant notes for a long time, it is enough to create an exclusive coffee masterpiece. But for this you will have to plunge into the delightful world of creativity and fantasy. Coffee crafts are very popular in the design of modern interiors, creating a genuine comfort and warm atmosphere in the house.

DIY coffee -footed crafts - clock

What could be more practical and attractive than stylish and exquisite coffee grains? In addition to the fact that this item of the interior is of certain benefit, it also saturates the air with delicate and unique fragrance.

So, what is needed to create a clock of coffee beans?

  • fried coffee beans;
  • glue "moment" is transparent;
  • PVA glue;
  • brushes for paint and glue;
  • Watch workpiece (wood, glass);
  • clockwork;
  • napkin for decoupage on coffee themes;
  • acrylic paint;
  • acrylic lacquer.

Operating procedure:

  • Cover the blank of wood with acrylic paint of a light shade and let it dry.
  • Apply a thin layer of PVA glue diluted with water 1: 1 on a dry surface.
  • Cut the ornament from the napkin and separate the lower paper layers, leaving only part with the image. Gently glue it to the workpiece.
  • After the glued image has dried, it is necessary to determine the zone that the coffee grains will be filled, and to separate it from the figure using an acrylic circuit.
  • We apply transparent glue in small portions and immediately apply grains, closely pressing them to each other.
  • Having filled in this way the entire necessary area of \u200b\u200bthe workpiece, we leave it until the place remote from children completely dry.
  • Then the product must be covered with varnish and insert a clock mechanism.

Stylish and original coffee hours will be a great addition to a cozy home nest, as well as serve when visiting friends, turning into an original and practical gift.

DIY coffee -footed crafts - candles

One of the romantic crafts that will not leave indifferent a single needlewoman is a candle decorated with coffee beans. To decorate it, you do not need to make special efforts, it is enough to show a little creative undertakings and patience. To create a coffee craft, it is necessary to prepare a candle, at least 4-5 cm in diameter, and of course-fried coffee.

To get a candle decorated with grains, it should be slightly held on fire, and then quickly glue the grains. Thus, the craft acquires a complete and fabulous appearance, which will significantly transform the space in the house.

DIY coffee -footed crafts - panel

To create a coffee panel, you will need a little perseverance and creativity, but nevertheless, the result will clearly please a lover of man -made decorative gizmos. For work, you should prepare:

  • bamboo canvas or a piece of rough burlap;
  • coffee grains (fried and raw);
  • glue "moment" is transparent;
  • self -permanent marker;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • bone.

What to do:

  • Before creating another masterpiece, it is necessary to draw on the fabric the necessary drawing, on the contours of which an acrylic circuit should be applied.
  • We glue the grains on the image, clinging thoroughly to the base.
  • After the picture is completed, you should create a frame of the future picture, gently gluing grains 2-3 cm along the edge.
  • After drying, the area with grains should be covered with a thin layer of varnish with a brush.

A panel of coffee beans will be an excellent decoration of any of the walls of the house or apartment, and will emphasize the uniqueness of their interior decoration.

No less interesting crafts from coffee are obtained when decorating photo frames, organizers, cups, nightlights, magnets, stands for cups and many other interesting and useful things that will bring novelty to the house, where manual labor and creative approach are truly appreciated.

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