Why make money from the phone

Why make money from the phone

Abundance obsessive shares, additional servicesand fraud touch and mobile communication. Enough make one imprudent steps Money will disappear. How to find out the causes of the loss ? What will your question answer your cellular employee?

When the balance of your phone quickly strives for zero, the first thing you need to call the operator. Usually the consultant calls several main reasons for the disappearance of money:

  • If the smartphone is configured to automatically update applications, and there are no free megabytes in your tariff plan, then when updating programs, the money will be automatically removed from the account. Incorrectly configured Internet will also quickly reset your balance.
  • The reason can be connected paid services and hidden conditions, which the cellular company writes on its sites with a small font.
  • There are tariff plans that operate in a specific area. When you leave its territory, the billing increases at times.
  • The call-center operator can inform you that the numbers called or sent messages to the short number of content providers. Two minutes of such a conversation will be enough to devastate the balance of the phone. In these cases, the operator removes responsibility, but maybe you can give a contact phone to communicate with the owner of the short number.

The cause of the call to the short number is often unlocked keyboard phone. Make sure no one can use your phone without demand. In addition to people, the device can control the malware.

Scammers use malicious programs that are distributed by SMS traps. The subscriber is sufficient to follow the link in the message to start automatic loading of the virus. When the virus is installed, analyfactor maybe send messages and even do calls from your number And visually on the phone monitor nothing will happen. At the phone infected with the virus strange behavior, sudden reboots and even deterioration in the quality of the signal.

You can make a malicious subscription through a computer. Make sure you did not leave your phone number on suspicious sites. Call the Call Center operator. It will turn off all the services that are actively "eaten" money. You have the right to make a request to return the part of the funds. If possible, contact the nearest service center of the cellular company, so you set the cause of the loss in more detail. If your cellular staff refuse assistance, contact law enforcement agencies.

Protect yourself from unwanted subscriptions. Connect free services that offer mobile operators. MegaFon offers the service "Stop Content" and "Prohibition of paid services." MTS - Free Service "Prohibition of Content 0", and Beeline - "Black and White Lists". Note that these services are not blocking not all short numbers. An exception may be the numbers of official entertainment portals.

Each of us can become a victim of a fraudster. AND touch unpleasant situation to you help simple advice:

  • Try not indicate room mobile telephone on doubtful sites.
  • Not register subscriptions with binding to numberon paid the Internetresources.
  • Use reliable blocking, turn on autoblocking.
  • Install antivirus programs on yours device.
  • Front connecting a device to a computer witheave iton availability viruses.
  • Make sure the Internet is configured correctly, follow and try not to exceed traffic.

If you fell on « fishing», v most cases money can return. We hope this article will help you understand why money disappears from the phone . Do not forgettake care o of their Personal data!

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