How to find a phone via imei

How to find a phone via imei

IMEI is a unique combination of 15 digits assigned to each telephone in its production. It contains information about the model of the apparatus, the country-producer and other indicators. This code remains unchanged even if it is theft. As a rule, the phone number becomes irrelevant very quickly - almost immediately after the phone's loss. To do this, it is enough to withdraw and throw off the SIM card. Manufacturers of devices try to complicate the need to access the IMEI code. But sometimes still an attacker manages to change it. In this case, the search for the missing phone will be intact.

Search for IMEI phone: efforts and obstacles

To search for the missing phone, you need to contact law enforcement agencies as soon as possible and in the mobile operator service. Unfortunately, the specifics of such work often does not give the expected result due to the sufficiently sluggish interaction of the above structures.

In Europe, the cooperation between the police and mobile services is well developed and gives concrete results in the event of a loss of the phone. It beats off the hunt of attackers to unlawful actions. With this, everything is somewhat more complicated. Mobile operators themselves can solve the problem quickly and promptly. It is enough just to block the phone with the specified code and prohibit it access to the network after a special request. Another question is that in this case the operator loses part of its profits. Therefore, it is not always interested in collaboration and adopting restrictive measures to dubious subscribers. Detect the location of the missing phone on IMEI code is quite real. But to track the movement of the subscriber is not included in the competence of the mobile operator. You can transfer such information to the police for further study, but it is necessary to act very quickly that it does not always reflect the reality. However, in the event of a loss of the phone, you need to contact these instances. Positive results of such searches also have.

You can make a serial number or IMEI code to the database of stolen phones. Often this service uses participants in the sales markets of second-hand phones. There is a chance that someone will respond and notify you about the find. If you notify the remuneration in advance, the probability of detection of the lost apparatus will increase significantly.

What should not be done if you want to find a phone via IMEI

Now you can meet a lot of offers from individuals to provide services aimed at finding a phone for IMEI identifier. There are also a number of online services and special programs that guarantee a quick result. Of course, all this for money. With a lot of probability, it can be said that this type of activity is fraud. It is strictly not recommended to use such proposals to avoid the loss of precious time and finance.


Preventive actions to find the phone via IMEI

There is a software that will notify you about changing the SIM card and tell you a new number with SMS to an alternative number. This will help the law enforcement and the mobile operator to coordinate their actions in case of your rapid response to the fact of the phone's loss. You can also contact the new owner yourself and try to solve the question in peaceful way. In the event of a loss of the phone, act quickly, persistently and competently. Your activity in such a situation is the main key to a positive result.

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