How to find a stolen phone

How to find a stolen phone

Theft or loss of the phone is a very annoying trouble. Many people after that forever "say goodbye" with their smartphone, but there is still a chance of finding him, even if it is stolen, since technology does not stand still.

Make sure your phone is really stolen. According to statistics, 70% of those who have declared theft of the phone in fact, they themselves forget or lose the device. To check, call your number - if the call is reset and turn off the phone, then you can be exactly confident in the embezzlement.

If the theft is confirmed, then first please send an SMS message to myself on the phone with a request to return the device for remuneration. Of course, pay for your phone is insulting and unpleasant, but sometimes it is easier to give a small amount than to buy a new phone, especially if there was a lot of important information. It's not a fact that Thorish will agree to give a loss, but it is better than nothing. If the phone is cheap, then it is easier to restore the SIM card at all and buy a new apparatus.

Contact the police if the device is really important for you. Often, phones are found at the moment of resale on the "black" market. Only for the appeal you need to collect at least some documents confirming that your phone is yours (technical passport, box, check and so on). It is desirable that the serial number of the device is specified there.

If you were a happy owner of a smartphone from Apple (which, by the way, thieves love very much), that is, it is highly likely to find the phone along with a thief right up to the house number where it is currently located. But for this, the iPhone must be tied to such a service as iCloud, and the phone itself is pre-enabled a special function "Find an iPhone". After the theft, simply go to your account in Aiklaud and block the phone, after that the thief with it can not do anything, except to sell in detail. But this option is also not very pleasant, so send a message to the Warmer through the ICLOUD, which will constantly glow on the phone screen asking you to return the phone. If this method was not crowned with success, then through the program, see the location of the phone, and with these data, contact the police. Knowing the location of the thief - you can easily find and lose. If nothing helped, and there is no chance of returning a smartphone - we will erase remotely all the data if there was something important that the attacker will be able to use against you (passwords, photos and so on).

With the phone on Android, the situation is a bit more difficult. If in the newest phones on this system already entered the function of remote access, both on iOS, then in older models, unfortunately there are no, and for search will have to use the above methods. But if you have installed a special application for search in advance, then the probability of finding the location of the thief is, but only in the first hours, or in extreme cases, days after the disappearance, since the phone on the android is very easy to reflash, after which there is practically no chance of finding the device.

If there is no chance of finding the phone at all, then contact the communication operator and block the SIM card, since so far it is not done, the attacker from your room can pay anything, but you will be forced to pay exactly the bills.

Theft of the phone is unpleasant, but this is not a reason to get upset or despair. A chance to find a favorite gadget is always there.

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