How to find an iPhone if it is turned off

How to find an iPhone if it is turned off

Many people fell into a situation associated with the loss or theft of beloved iPhone. And the situation is further exacerbated if the phone is turned off, for example, if the battery or threw the device turned off the device specifically. But there is still a chance to find the device.

If the IOS 8 version was standing on the lost iPhone, then the chance to find the phone turned off is quite high, but only under one condition - if the desired function has been enabled on the phone, which, before shutting down, send you a message with the latest location. You need to react quickly, so in the case of theft of the phone, the attacker can carry it into another place. Unfortunately, on mobile with an earlier version of IOS, this program works only if the device is enabled.

How-to-find-stolen iPhone-5S

Also find your iPhone with the help of another device from Apple. To do this, download the application "Find an iPhone" and go to it with your login and password. The program will display the last location of your phone. The probability is that your phone is still there, no, but it is better than nothing. And you will be from what to push in search.

Extreme way to find an iPhone - contact Apple's office, quite recently they introduced an innovation - even the phones turned off, they can track, but this applies, unfortunately, only to the latest models. This system is valid:

  • if the phone is enabled on the phone and someone in a row in a row incorrectly enters the password, the phone is first of all goes to "Hibes" mode (looks like off, but not really);
  • periodically sends messages with their location;
  • sends photos from cameras.

If the phone is turned off, it was not possible, then via iClOUD Send a request to lock, and when the phone is turned on, a message will be released on the screen with your text. You can also remotely erase all data even on the phone off.

Extreme measure in the search for the phone is to appeal to the police. But in order for them to find a mobile, you need to give them a serial number of the phone, which is specified in the technical passport. Thus, if they find your phone, the serial number will help determine the owner, that is, you.

Unfortunately, if the phone is turned off, and the "Find iPhone" function was not previously activated, then the chances to find a mobile minimal, and the last hope remains either at Apple. either for the police.

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