For what makes money MTS

For what makes money MTS

If you put money on MTS, but they instantly "burn out", read this instruction, and you can always control your expenses.

Type in the search engine "MTS Personal Account" and go to the first proposed site. On the download page, specify your phone number in the appropriate field, then click on the "Get Password by SMS" link. In the window that opens, re-enter your number and captcha (combination of numbers and letters from the picture). Wait for SMS and received code in the "Password" field. Now click "Login".

Activate the "Online Assistant" tab and select "Service Management" in the list.

The table of the connected services and their cost will open. Scroll down the scroll down to see the entire table completely. Carefully examine it, check if you have active subscriptions. If there is something in the list of connected services that you do not want to pay, click "Disable" at the end of the line.

If there is nothing suspicious here, for example, as it can be seen in the screenshot, request a report on the costs. To do this, in the menu, located on the left, click on the "Account" item and from the opened submenu, select "CONTROL CONTACT". If unplanned expenses you noticed this month, click on the link "Expenses for the current month".

Registration of the order for the report is performed in three stages:

  1. selection of a report delivery method (directly on this site or your e-mail);
  2. selection of the report format;
  3. order confirmation (click "Order").

On the page that opens, the system will show the status of the application for the report. Initially, its value is "in processing". Periodically, click "Refresh the page" as soon as the status is switched to "executed", go to the "Ordered Documents" link. Then click on the "Cost Month" costs, the document will be added to the download band, click on it with the mouse to open.

The report will clarify the situation, and you will understand what funds from your account have spent.

The problem of many owners of smartphones is often the fact that the "Mobile Data Transfer" function is active on their phone, because of which the mobile Internet "eats" a lot of money is not at a gentle rate. If the report contains a lines with a note "GPS" or "3G" - the point is precisely in this.

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