Olive oil is one of the most favorite products of unscrupulous vendors. Only less than 10% of the global oil crop qualifies as a primitive extra virgin, which is also a perishable product. Therefore, the temptation of fraudsters is huge. In order not to let yourself be deceived and acquire the best, use our tips on the choice of such a useful product.
First of all, the choice of olive oil depends on the purpose of using it. In particular, whether it will undergo thermal processing in your kitchen or not. If oil is needed for frying and extinguishing, then stop your choice on the refined bottle. This is not a highty product, but in the process of frying and cooking, it does not form carcinogens. To refill salad or making marinada, select Olive oil with an Extra Virgin mark or Virgin. In such oil, the largest number of antioxidants and useful qualities are preserved. For cosmetic procedures, preference must be given only by EXTRA VIRGIN oil. It has the highest quality, as it is obtained when using only mechanical devices.
Avoid oil in transparent glass bottles. This is one of the first signs that the manufacturer does not care about the quality of the product produced. Dark green glass better. Opaque containers are preferable, and metal cans are most acceptable.
Consider the color of the oil. It can be from light green to dark green, from gold to golden green. About problems in the production of the product will say yellow, dark yellow, light beige and brown colors.
Look at the specified harvest date. Remember that olive oil is the opposite of wine. It is not intended for long-term storage. Taste qualities are preserved for two years, when stored in optimal conditions - room temperature and in the dark. In the absence of this information on the sticker, put the bottle back to the shelf.
On the label Tara, examine information about the place of origin of olives and oil production. The longer the time between harvest and processing, the greater the chances of getting low-quality oil. For example, raw materials from Tunisia, Spain, Greece and Turkey can be delivered to Italy.
Tell oil to taste and smell. Ideally, you will not come across a vocabulary, acetic or metal taste. Foreign odors experts describe as the smell of wax, poor sausages, old peanut butter and even the fragrance of a baby diaper.
Examine the value of the oil acidity level. The lower the natural acidity of raw oil, the higher the quality. Each type of olive oil has its own level of acidity. The acidity of Extra Virgin oil should not exceed 1%, Virgin - 2% refined - 1.5%.
Oil naturalness can be checked at home. Place the bottle in the refrigerator for two or three days. The correct choice will be evidenced by a white precipitate.
Do not share at a low price. The highly subject will be expensive.
The use of first-class olive oil will protect you from many diseases of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the risk of cancer. We recommend that you follow the proposed advice when choosing high-quality olive oil.