Kashpo for flowers do it yourself

Kashpo for flowers do it yourself

Indoor plants make any living space much more comfortable and fresher. You can breed flowers in the country and on the loggia, and directly in the apartment. Even better, the plants will look at the original and beautiful porridge - to make such kashpo easily with their own hands. There are very light ways to create a kashpo for a flower on an ambulance hand. If you are interested in the creative process itself, you can choose more complex and unusual options. From this article you can draw a lot of ideas, how to make potatoes for plants yourself at home.

Simple porridge for flowers with their own hands

The simplest porridge for colors can be quickly and easily made from girlfriend. These ways will help you if it took you to urgently transplant the flowers, and there was no suitable worse. However, even the simplest porridge can be interesting to decorate, so they will fit into the interior and will decorate the apartment.

If you want to do Cashpo, spending a minimum of time and effort, consider the following options:

  • If you have unnecessary deep plastic containers, there may be excellent porridge for miniature low plants. If you have a slightly identical room flowers of small size, they can be placed in a similar container all together. In the future, such a kashpo can be decorated: for example, to paint with acrylic paints.
  • As a kashpo, you can use even an ordinary box of dense cardboard. However, it is important to enclose it with any waterproof material from the inside so that it does not twice. For this, dense polyethylene or several layers of ordinary food foil can be seated. Carefully apply the inside of the porridge by this material, secure it with glue or tape. From the outside of Kashpo, you can cover the paint, decorated with stones, shells or rhinestones.
  • As a kashpo for a small flower, a regular bottle is suitable. You can completely cut the neck from it or just make a hole in the middle, through which you can plant a flower. Like other homemade caspo, the bottle can easily decorate on your taste.

Practical kashpo for flowers do it yourself

It is worth acknowledged that kashpo of cardboard or bottles will not be too durable. They are too easy to break or break, so mainly such light options are suitable only for a while. Nevertheless, practical kashpo, which will last for a long time, can also be made with their own hands. Consider this following options:

  • You can independently look for kashpo colors from clay. This is not as difficult as it seems: the main thing is to make a steady bottom and make a smooth surface from the outside. You can also cut out any desired patterns on the surface. Natural clay requires firing, but now you can buy various plastic materials for creativity that harden in the air.
  • You can make kashpo from colored plastic cutting boards and stands under hot. You will need 4 identical boards for sides of the porridge, as well as one square stand that will be at the bottom. It is necessary that the dimensions of the boards and supports make it possible to create a single design of them. They just need to glue with durable glue along the seams to collect a beautiful bright porridge. Places of gluing can be further decorated with ribbons.
  • If you have unnecessary bamboo sticks or pieces of wood, it can also be extremely successful kashpo. Wooden sticks can be glued together, giving caspo almost any form, depending on your needs. The bottom can also be made from a solid piece of wood or glue together several parts. Then this porridge you can decorate with rope, ribbons or beads, as well as, if you wish, paint in any color.

Original kashpo for flowers do it yourself

One of the advantages of homemade porridge is definitely their originality. Sometimes for the placement of colors, we use the most unexpected items. Such kashpo can be an excellent decoration of your interior. Take care of things in your home and think where you can successfully place indoor plants. Here are some interesting ideas for example:

  • The kettle is an ordinary household item that can be a very original porridge for indoor plants. Usually, the kettle is planted small flowers. This option is also suitable for cottages, and for the city apartment - everywhere such a kashpo will organically fit into the interior.
  • Aluminum pipes and hoses can also serve as interesting kashpo. They will perfectly fit into the modern design of the urban apartment. If after repair you have left unnecessary plumbing details, they can be placed in them.
  • Shoes are a favorite place for growing plants. Massive boots, and a miniature women's shoe can be approached as a casspo - it all depends on how big you have a flower and what needs it. Such an improvised kashpo will always look stylish and unusual.

Kashpo for flowers can do it with their own hands: it can be an original version, practical and durable porridge or a quick and easy option to temporarily transplant plants. Decide which goals you are haunting and what dimensions should be at Kashpo under your indoor plants. Then simply look around - for sure there are many unnecessary things in the house, from which you can easily build a successful porridge for plants. If you come to a business with a fantasy, homemade kashpo will serve for a long time and will delight you with your own kind.

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