What are the outlet

What are the outlet

Devices that are connected to different devices are called sockets. We are faced every day with them in everyday life. And what we know about them, practically nothing. Let's try to tell you what sockets are, what criteria you need to be guided by purchasing them.

Sockets are divided by types: electrical in which electrical appliances are connected; television - to connect the telecaper; telephone, in which only the phone can be included; Radios. As you can see, each socket is designed for a specific connection. It is so conceived so that the power outlet does not connect switching devices and vice versa.

The power (220 c) sockets are two species - internal and external. Internal sockets are used under the hidden wiring and put directly into the wall, and the outdoor - on the wall and are intended for open wiring. The first put in apartments, administrative buildings, etc. The exterior is used mainly in the garages, in dachas, in the barn.

More power outlets are with grounding contact without it. The first put there, where enough powerful equipment is applied or on working electronic devices, from which static electricity should be removed. It can be in the first case of electric stoves, boilers, air conditioners, and in the second - computers and other electronic equipment. Naturally, it will be useful from such a socket only when there is a grounding wire in the power grid.

The socket itself consists of the base, electrical contacts and panels. Contacts and fastening fittings are attached to the base. The base can be ceramic and plastic. The ceramic base is more fragile, but not lit, plastic in this aspect is weaker. In the design of the socket, protective curtains can be added, which are moved only when the plug is turned on. Electrical contacts are performed from brass and bronze. Bronze is more solid and spring, so contacts will be more durable, and the outlet will last longer. The connection of wires in the sockets happens to the screw, under the terminal and self-sufficient contact. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, who will like it. The panel is the face of the socket. Perform them from different materials, and the choice is so wide, which allows you to carry out any designer solution. If necessary, the panel is equipped with a closing lid on a spring or ejector. The cover is needed to protect the rosette from dampness, and the ejector - in order to make it easier to remove the plug.

There are power outlets designed for three-phase lines. They are performed from special non-combustible plastics. These sockets are much more oven, and the working contacts are much more powerful there. They are used in industry to connect special equipment.

Switching sockets: To connect phones, computers and televisions, differ from power only with contact nests, and the overall design is the same. The design of these sockets allows you to mount them with blocks with outlets of different types of one panel.

Plants manufacturers produce outlets with series. Mechanisms and device in them are the same, the difference is only as intended. Putting the same electrical fitness, you significantly improve the interior.

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