How to prohibit windows update

How to prohibit windows update

There are many types of Windows updates prohibiting - we will consider them in this article.

There are many reasons for turning off automatic Windows update

  • A new update cannot pass without a blue screen of death.
  • after installing updates, a constant reboot. Especially relevant when you go with one version of Windows to another.
  • After the update, any devices stop working. For example, a large number of people after some updates stopped working Logitech cameras, individual programs.
    Next, I will talk about what methods you can use to ban updates.

Method via Services.msc.

The simplest method is the update center. It is in the control panel. Press the "Windows" and key "R and in the Write SERVICES.msc window. We find Windows Update. Right-click on the "Stop" button. Then you choose "Properties". In the properties of this service, you go to the General tab. In it, select the start type "disabled".

Method via task scheduler

In Windows 10 there is another necessary setting. The developers of the operating system in the task scheduler added a task that will automatically check once a week service status, whether this service works or not. We do not need a similar check.

  • To do this, go to the Control Panel, where we open the task scheduler.
  • In it, go to the Microsoft library and here are the Windows Update item.
  • To disable the tasks, click on each of them the right mouse button and select "Disable".
  • As soon as you do this, you have a service automatically now it will not be launched until manually start.

Method via editor GPedit.msc

This method does not work in all editions of the Windows operating system 10. In essence, you need to fix the registry values \u200b\u200bof the operating system.

  1. To open the GPedit, hold the Windows key and the R key and enter gpedit.msc.
  2. Next, open the computer configuration, then administrative templates.
  3. They choose Windows components.
  4. In it we find the Windows Update Center. We find the automatic update setting. Click on politics double click mouse, we translate the status of the policy to the "Disabled" state.

Mostly these measures are enough to ensure the ban on updates.

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